
What is Fuzzee and Blue?

So I asked some people in my address book the following question: "What is Fuzzee and Blue?" Here are the replies I got:

- Grover or cookie monster. :o) TrishP

- "Papa Smurf" ClaudeB

- As always, I consult Google on these matters. Your search - "what is fuzzy and blue" - did not match any documents. Suggestions: - Make sure all words are spelled correctly. - Try different keywords. - Try more general keywords. Ryan P.

- "The Cookie Monster" Russ V.

- "Wembley Fraggle" holding his breath… (from the Fraggle Rock of course) Val B.

- "Smurfs" Ryan M.

- Fuzee and blue you say??? a blue m & m that's been trapped under a couch cushion for a few months. Jill St-J.

- I would have to say Cookie Monster. Mel F.

- A smurf Sandra J.

Hummm.. There seems to be a theme here. Muppets and or Smurfs... I must admit that I have never asked myself if a Smurf was hairy or not. Maybe they are.

So what's "Fuzzee and Blue"? Well, you're reading it. it's my little blog space on the Web. A place where random words put side by side may or may not have any meaning. It's up to you.

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