Wow, this is funny. I just found something cool on THEFORCE.NET!! Claude, Ryan, check this out!
I just found an old interview I gave back in the days (1995). This was for a StarWars themed Online publication. I was right after I had closed R2d2's BBS. What a blast from the past!! This is hilarious! Quite a few Typos in there though... Heheheh..
Original Out of the MAW #3 Document
OUT OF THE MAW - Features for March 1995:
VI. Echolites Of The Month We MAKE Ben Verreault/Matt Schulz talk.
This month, we have two of the Echo's more seasoned veterans with us. I
think Benoit Verreault and Matt Schulz have been on the Echo longer than
just about anybody. They were posting when I first connected here about
two years ago, and they're still around. Let's chat with them:
OOTM: Give us a quick bio on yourselves (age, occupation, status, etc.).
Ben: Name's Benoit, I was born of the fourth of July 1974. I am a full-time student at Ottawa University working on a double major in Communication and Arts. I just got engaged with my high school sweetheart, Melissa, this past Christmas. I am beginning to have quite a collection of SW books and collectibles. Most of the
stuff I have is from the early 80's though it seems now that the new stuff is starting to take more and more of the available shelf space.
OOTM: To what extent do you enjoy participating in the Echo?
Ben: I've been on the echo for 3 or 4 years now. I used to run a local BBS a couple of years ago called R2d2's BBS. Yep, it was a Star Wars themed board. Got hooked on the echo as soon as I discovered it. I found that locally, there weren't many SW fans and that this medium was exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for. I currently receive a few Fido echoes directly at home through a point system
I've set up with a BBS here in town. To me the echo is an excellent source to find accurate information on the hobby that I cherish the most. I've made quite a few connections through the echo and I regularly correspond through email with many Echolites and ex-Echolites.
OOTM: Personally, what scene from the trilogy stands out the most in your mind?
Ben: This one's easy. To me, the most riveting scene in the trilogy is when Luke gives in to anger and yells his classic "NOOOOOO!!!!" The music behind that scene is awesome...
OOTM: Name your favorite alien from any form of Star Wars literature, and why.
Ben: Favorite alien is undoubtedly Yoda. Many times, have I imagined how this little guy has had an impact on the whole galaxy. He is a creature that has had his own problems in the past and in my opinion, the reason he is on Dagobah is to, not only hide from possible Dark Force Jedi, but also to hide some of his own past actions...
OOTM: Any fond remembrances of Star Wars from your childhood?
Ben: I was 5 when I first saw Star Wars. I don't fully remember the experience, but I DO remember being there. SW is the first movie I actually remember seeing. I saw it at a Drive-In and I remember being in the back seat of the car staring at the line of cars in front of us as the traffic leading to the drive-in was completely
to a stop. I was so scared that there wouldn't be enough room for us to get in. My first figure was bought at Sears, and i remember choosing C-3P0. That little guy was so beat up by the time ROTJ came out that all his limbs fell apart. I remember putting him back together and replaying the ESB scene where he gets blown to
bits by a Stormtrooper.
I don't know if anyone ever did this, but I used to cut out all the little pictures on the backs of the Kenner Figure Cards and play with these tiny cardboard players. Give a kid a huge toy in a box and he'll probably have more fun playing with the empty box instead of the toy itself.
OOTM: What are your expectations for the new movies?
Ben: Expectations is such a big word! I won't get into the plot stuff as I'm sure I'd get it all wrong. I will say that I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Lucas and that I'm positive he will blow us away with the prequels.
The Special Effects of SW still stand out some 15-20 years later, but to me, it's the story that has always done it. I'm sure the next movies will work in the same way. Most movies today lack that basic storyline, it's all glossy pages and slip covers, no real content.
Thanks a ton to both Matt and Benoit for taking the time to answer all my
questions. If you are interested in participating in an Echolite of the
Month interview, just contact me on the Echo, and we'll see what we can do.
Man, that was 10 years ago!!! I'm not sio sure Lucas blew us away with the prequels though! :)
An interview I found on
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11:22 PM
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This is gold. Was this the precursor to when there was no Internet (or just one starting I suppose...)
Was it all done via mailing list, or was it just BBSs? How the heck did these guys discover you? Were they in Ottawa?
Yes, I guess it was some sort of precursor. I would have to check the names of the folks behind the web site to see if I recognize them.
It was the monthly post in a message section on the FidoNet (not the phone company but a message network which my BBS was part of). THey were nowhere really (e.g.: not in Ottawa), it was a community of online boards around the world... you could compare it to what a newsgroup is today. I was quite an active padowan back then. :)
We had a few celebs who were writing messages with us (Tom Veitch, Kevin J Anderson, etc. ). It was a cool community.
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