Let me introduce you to my new baby girl. She is a 7.6 lbs bundle of joy. She was conceived in Lapatrie, Quebec. She came to us last Saturday at 2:05pm. It is with great joy that we welcome "no-name" baby G to our family (I am still thinking of her name).
She already interacting my other little new one: the Fender G-DEC power amp:

I have started to teach this little one a her alphabet. Thus far, she knows: A, E, G and E minor (thanks to Uncle Palmer). We shall practice her spelling every day and make sure one day she can play with others. Don't want her being anti-social forever.
Don't you love new bundles of joy!!
I can't believe you guys started guitar lessons without me!!!!!!!
Trish, Trish, Trish... you missed the first class!!! Tsk, tsk, tsk!!
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