
Top10 DS Games of 2005

This started as a Top10 Video Games list for all systems but since 90% of my gaming time this year has beed devoted to the Nintendo DS, I decided to make the list DS exclusive.

Artoo's Top10 DS Games of the Year:

Mario Kart DS: Not too much to say other than it's basically a "Best of" compilation of all Mario Karts games that came before this one with wicked Extras like dual screen gameplay, free online racing and plain fun gameplay.
Electroplankton (Import): Making music using a hand-held videogame console might sound a little odd. Well, this one is odd but so enjoyable, it had to make my Top10. I special ordered my copy off Ebay and got it from Japan 6 months ago. THe US/Can release is set for next month. If you like making music and love the DS, this is for you!

Zoo Keeper DS: Simple, fun Bejewel-like game which makes you flip little animal characters as fast as you can to rack up a high score. This little baby is what made the Cinful One get a DS. She was borrowing mine all the time. Now, we can fight head-tohead via wi-fi. Awsome and addictive.

Lost in Blue DS: Strange little RPG-like game that puts you into the shoes of a little boy who wakes up on a deserted island. Cool Usage of the DS stylus to solve puzzles and interact with your environment.

Metroid Pinball: Awsome controls make this game an amazing Pinball port to the handheld. Game is slick and graphics are pretty sweet. I am not that fig a fan of Metroid games but this game was pure joy!

Meteos: Fans of Tetris should give this one a try. It's quite different from other puzzlers but very addictive. The head-to-head mode is quite challenging. A deeper game that anticipated with cool mechanics.

Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time: Haven't put in that much time into this game as I uts got it this past Xmas. Thus far though the game is really cool. Could use a little more variety in the controls but it's a fun RPG.

Yoshi Touch and Go: The Game is short if you play basic mode. Put it in Marathon Mode and you basically end up with a racing game that keeps on giving! Fun, innovative game that came out when the DS was introduced.

Polarium: Excellent mind-pleasing game. Tough puzzles are plenty in this black and white mini-game for the DS. One of the best uses of the stylus for a DS Game.

Nanostray: Plain Phoenix-inspired 2D-like space shooter with great graphics. Music is intense and the game is hard. Geeat game to pick up and play on the fly.


Honorable mention to a non DS game:

Donkey Konga: This gamecube game is a hoot at parties. I picked up an extra Bongo set with the JungleBeat game and have had lots of dun with this one. Trying to keep up with the songs and melodies is not quite as fun as one might think.

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