
Mini-movie review: National Treasure

Watched this film last night. Popcorn flick that rips off the DaVinci Code story. You can tell this one was hurried out by hollywood execs to capitalize on the popularity of the Dan Brown book. Ridles are figured out too quickly by man actor and this was a poor attempt to make an Indianna Jonesque film to feed on the historical fact-fiction craze that is out there right now. 3/10


Ferda said...

I actually really enjoyed this movie but then I haven't read the Davinci Code so maybe I have nothing else to compare it to and that's why I liked it so much. It was just fun you know?

guess we're pretty much on the opposite ends when it comes to movies - different folks, different strokes :-)

iBenoit said...

Want to buy my copy? :) 5$ and it's yours!

Ferda said...

it's a deal!