
Top 10 80s Wrestlers (askmen.com)

I just read that in 2 weeks they will be bringing back a show I used to watch as a kid. I don't know if it will be for only this once, but they will be a Saturday Night's Main Event on March 18th at 8pm on NBC. As a tribute to this old show coming back to TV (even if just for on show), I present to you all this top 10 list of 80s Wrestlers which was posted on askmen.com. I doubt this tv show will be able to capture much of what wrestling was in the 80s but heck, itès worth a peek for nostalgia's sake.

More than during any other time period, wrestling in the 1980s was special. After all, this was when people still believed it to be real and when, because of this, wrestlers were able to really captivate people. Appealing to the kids in everyone, wrestling worked as a sort of fairy tale, a character-driven soap opera for men with clear-cut good guys and bad guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MachoMan Ruled!!! Ooooohhh Yeahhhh!!