
Week-ender Report: 16-06 to 18-06

Fri Day: Went to the Franco-ontarien festival with Ryan, Vero and company. Saw some good comics: I especially appreciated the last comic Louis José Houde. A nice outing. Cinthia went to see the Cirque du Soleil with MJ. She said it was a great show.

Sat: We went to a restaurant called Le Rendez-vous in Aylmer to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Cinthia's Parents. There were 54 family and friends at the restaurant. OK food but slow service.

Sun: We visited my folks for Father's Day at the cottage. Nice weather but a little warm for me. i always seem to have trouble adapting to the first few weeks of Summer. It seem as though my body gets tired really quick in warm weather. I gave pop some fishing gear items to go with the new boat. We also met their new little dog called Bonhomme. Later, I watched the film Spellbound, a documentary about kids competing for a spelling bee championship.

1 comment:

Sister Merry Kerry said...

Awwww, I wish I had a dog named Bonhomme.