What to do when you have a month off? Go Camping? Check. Help gf move in? Check. Go to Montreal? Check. Visit Mont Tremblant? Check? Watch Movies? But of course.
Clerks 2: Let's face it Clerks rocked. It was done on a string budget. it was witty. it was original. It was the start of a movement of independant films. It had something special. Fast forward 10 years later and Kevin Smith decides to make a sequel. Is it still funny? Some of it. Is it original? Somewhat. Did I like it. Yeah - but i would recomment it to Smith fans. A rental for the rest of you. My ratings: 6.5 donkeys out of 10.
Crimson Rivers 2: I loved the first film. It was beatiful. it was creepy. It had good plot twists. if only it would have had a better ending. How does this sequel rank up? Kinda the same thing minue the intreague, plot twists and creepyness. A disapointment. 4 monks out of 10.
Dead and Breakfast: Cheap B-movie that I picked up at HMV for $6.66 during their last horror DVD sale. Skip it unless you are into an evening of getting really drunk and listening to a sub-par horror flick. Play a drinking game where you spot the bad acting and flubs in the film. 2 Zombies our of 10.
The Corpse Bride: A many of you know, I am a huge fan of Tim Burton's Nightmare before Christmas. Not only is the film funny, dark and cute - but the film was also an achievement in puppetry. Well if you liked the first film, you are in for a treat. Corpse Bride is also worth the stop. great animation, great voice acting and you can tell it's a Burton film. Loved it. 7.5 dead corpses out of 10.
Moise - L'affaire Roch Theriault: A very hard subject matter - this true story is played perfectly by Luc Picard. He is charming, charismatic and scary. Cults as a very interesting subject matter - I have not seen many films which dealt with the subject. This film id definately worth a rental - Just make sure you are in the right mood. 7 cults out of 10.
Jamel: 100% Debouse: Jamel is probably my favorite comedian from France. He was simply hilarious in the french tv show "H" and in Asterix: Mission Cleopatre. I decided to pick this stand-up DVD in Montreal. Unfortunately, the routine is too much centerer on French news to be funny for us north americans. Too bad. 5 laughs out of 10.
Les Boys IV: Les Boys is a true classic in Quebec. For us hockey is a religion. It shouldn't be a surprise that they roll out these hockey comedies every few years. I fully expect to see a Les Boys 5 in the next 2 years. How did this one fare? Not too bad considering it's the 4th one. Some funny bits that should make people at a party laugh through the night. 6 Old Timers out of 10.
Les Revenant: My holidays would not have been complete without a zombie flick. Les revenant is an awesome film and is a great social commentary on society. Imagine old people coming back from the dead and needing to be reintegrated into society. What would you do? Givethem their old jobs back? Do they have rights? How different arte they? How do you deal with their reinsertion into society? Great take on the zombie genre. 8.5 Zombies out of 10.
Wonderland: John Holmes was a Porn Star in the 70s. He apparently ruled the world. He was the basis for the Walberg role in Boogie Nights. He lived life in the fast lane and was involved in a publicized murder case in the early 80s. This film explored the 2 murder case scenarios. Entertaining. 7 Porn Stars out of 10.
Jersey Girl: Cinthia hadn't seen this Kevin Smith film. We watched it a few nights before seeing Clerks 2. Many people hate this film yet I kinds have a soft spot for it. I know, I know. Ckick flick central. What can I say. A good film. 7.5 Bennifers out of 10.
Fluffy Cumsalot: Let's face it, portn stars have very strange stage names sometimes. This funny documentary explores the origin of some of these names. A good watch. 6.5 Dirk Digglers out of 10.
My Architect: A famous architect that lived for his work dies. He was so absorbed by his work that he was rarely at home. Many years later his son attempts to find out who his father was by visiting my architectural masterpieces and speaking to the people that knew his father. A toutching documetary. 6 building plans out of 10.
Incident at Loch Ness: Herzog is a great director that has done some well known films over the years. A few years back him and the screen writer of X-Men decided to make a film documentary about the Loch Ness monster. Strange things happened during the shoot. It's documented here. Great fun through these strange, strange events. 6 Nessies out of 10.
Firefly: The Complete Series: I FINALLY got through watching Firefly. I had tried a few years back but gave up after the first 2 shows. This time, i stuck to it and discovered a funny, witty sci-fi adventure. A must see series. 8.5 Jane's Town out of 10.
Serenity: Fans wanted it. Weaton delivered. A great conclusion to the Firefly tv series. Another must-see for Firefly and Joss Weaton fans. 7.5 Reavers out of 10.
The Amazing Story of Superman: A few years back. Ken Burns made a great documentary called Empire of Dreams for the release of the Star Wars DVD set. Well, this time he takes on the man of steel's universe and delivers. 7.5 kriptonite Rocks out of 10.
Tip Toes: Strange, strange chick film. Family reunions, little people, romance story, etc. I'll bet that never has a film hired so many little people actors since The Wizard of Oz. OK plot - no more. 5 Mini-Mes out of 10.
A Celebration of Me, Grover: I love Sesame Street. I grew up on it and Grover has always been one of my favorite monsters. A great Sesame Street style roast full of puns and classic SS clips. Just don't say the word "roast" near a chicken!! 7 Roasts out of 10. "gaaawwwkk!!"
Hellboy: I hear they are making a sequel to this film. Can't say i was ever too familiar with this comic book character. Film one was sub-par in my book. great costumes but plot was so-so. A rental if you are into comic book flicks but this won't crack your top 10 comib book inspired films. 5.5 devil children out of 10.
A Passage to Ottawa: Always cool to see films that were filmed in your home town. I wonder if New-Yorkers are over this feeling. Anyhow, I would qualify this little movie as a cute independant film. I enjoyed it. Good - Catch it on TV. If plays on the tube from time to time. 5.5 Rideau Canal boat rides out of 10.
Signin' in the Rain: One of my top 10 films of all time. Always makes me feel happy when i watch it. i was very glad that Cinthia enjoyed it. She turnde it down dozens of times thinking she wouldn't enjoy a musical. Well, she did. 9 Good Mornin's out of 10.
(Drive-In) Asterix et les Vikings/Good Cop, Bon Cop: Cinthia an I decided to catch a double-bill at the Templeton drive-in 2 weeks ago. Yep, we still have one last drive-in theatre in the area. it's in Gatineau. She had never been to the drive-in in her life. Great times. We first watched Asterix. This cartoon was funny. Some good parts although I didn't care much for the modern music and shading-art style. 5 magic potions out of 10.
Good Cop, Bon Cop is probably the funniest film I have seen this Summer. Half french and half english, this film has the makings of a great series. i definately hope they make more of these. Action galore - it's rare that a canadian film goes all out in the special effects and stunts department. Funny dialogue and great play by the main actors. 8 dead guys on the highways out of 10.
Movie Factoid: Stolen Summer is the name of a film which was made following the first Project Greenlight experiment.
Stolen Summer: Holiday Movie Viewings
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8:34 PM
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Whoa, whoa, where's X-Men 3?
That was in June and I am trying to repress viewing it. It sucked!
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