
QuickFlick DVD Review: Disney's Fantasia

(6 out of 10) Believe it or not, I had never seen Fantasia. My appreciation for the concept of the film is greater than the film itself. Unfortuantely, the DVD picture quality was awful. Disney should have worked a little more on the print before releasing this DVD. I understand that they rebuilt the original road show version but it's a shame that the work looks as bad as it does. The film: Great idea to let go animators like that to illustrate classical music pieces. In the old days, Disney innovated on many fronts and for that Fantasia is something quite special in the history of Animation. I don'r believe a kid under 10 would appreciate as much as an adult. There were some scary bits that might frighten young ones. Worth seeing for many reasons. Ons should watch the documentaries to fully appreciate the creation.

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