(8.5/10) As I am watching these episodes, I keep wondering if it was appropriate for me as a kid to watch this stuff. I'm positive all the innuendoes flew by waaaayyy over my head but still. I must admit that this stuff was a little risqué at the time. Come to think about it, this stuff is very tame compared to what kids have access to nowadays. OK, the DVDs... I am enjoying watching these as seasons come out one at a time. This show made the entire world discover the genius of John Ritter. An excellent set complemented by some nice little featurettes on the last disk. I really enjoyed.
Action Figure of the Year Candidate: 20th Anniv. Optimus Prime
Earlier this year, Hasbro released this wonderful 20th Anniversary figure of Transformer Optimus Prime. One has to see it in person to really be able to appreciate the level of detail. I present to you Artoo's first candidate for 2004 Action Figure of the Year.
Posted by
2:01 PM
My Arcade Cabinet: Update
Here is y first update. I took a few days off to go visit my parents at their cottage this week. This also marked the first few hours of work on the infamous video arcade cabinet. Over the next little while, I will be documenting the steps towards building this masterpiece of retro-arcade bliss.
The plan is to build a replica of the classic yellow Pac-man video arcade cabinet with functionning PC or video game console inside. I plan on taking some pictures with my digital camera to document the project. Stay tuned...
Posted by
1:59 PM
DVD Quick Review: Spiderman: Season 1 (MTV)
(8.5/10) Wow! I just loved this version of the web slinger. Definately a keeper! All CG, all action and all fun! The episode follow the adventures of Peter, Mary Jane and Harry following the first Spidey movie. Great animation and great little stories. I would give this one two thumb's up. The set also contains a few cool extras that round up the collection. Be sure to check out the featurettes on DVD 2. You will learn a little bit about why they went with a canadian company to produce the show! Go Canucks!!
Posted by
1:32 PM
DVD Quick Review: Astérix et Obélix: Mission Cléopatre
(9/10) I watched this one at the cottage chilling between episodes of Honneymooners and Three's Company. I had seen it before but I was looking forward to a second look to see Jamel Debouze steal this one. I am currently watching his french comedy show "H" on TV5. What can I say... this one was a barrel of laughs. Great DVD set (I own the Region 2 version)! I you haven't seen it and are a fan of Astérix, do not miss this one.
Posted by
1:33 PM
DVD Quick Review: Tenacious D The Complete Masterworks
(8/10) Jack Black rocks!!! I didn't know much about Jack and Kyle. A friend lent me this great 2 disk set and I spent an evening laughing out loud. Thanks for the discovery Ryan!
Posted by
1:34 PM
DVD Quick Review: Coupling: Season 1
Yeah, I watched this a couple of months back but I just had to show it to a friend of mine. It's one of those shows that doesn't lose anything after repeat viewings.
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1:36 PM
DVD Quick Review: Vill Bill Vol. 2
(7/10) Entertaining sequel to the samurai swinging, chop flying, gut busting flick. I will have to give this one a second spin. Maybe I should watch foth volumes at the same time. I liked it but at the same time I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong it's a good film but I guess I was expecting more. Definately not Pulp Fiction caliber but good none the less. David Carradine is excellent throughout the film. I had heard from many people that they had prefered vol.2 to first one. It does complete it nicely and close the loop to the story but I think I liked Vol.1 better. Having watched many kung fu and asian films in the last year, it's funny how I could spot many influences for this film. I really likes the music and score throughout the film. All in all, a fun film but not as ground-breaking as I would have hoped for.
Posted by
1:35 PM
TV: Gratuitist Pictures of the Month
Okay, maybe I watched one-too many Alias episodes this week with star Jennifer Garner. What a great spy show!!
Suddenly, I can't decide if i preder the colour red or black?!? Nope, I have no defense for this at all!
Posted by
2:03 PM
Bouillon de Culture Questionnaire
These 10 questions originally came from a French series, "Bouillon de Culture" hosted by Bernard Pivot. It is probably more familiar to many as the question James Lipton asks at the end of "Inside the Actor's Studio."
I've found these questions interesting among friends. It's amazing what the simple answers to these questions reveal about a person's thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Here are my answers.
01. What is your favorite word?
Thank you.
02. What is your least favorite word?
03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
04. What turns you off?
A person who is close-minded.
05. What is your favorite curse word?
I guess it would have to be "f*ck". It can be used in too many ways in the english language.
06. What sound or noise do you love?
The sound of falling rain.
07. What sound or noise do you hate?
A loud telephone ring.
08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
An elementary school teacher.
09. What profession would you not like to do?
A lawyer or a politician. I don't know why i connect the two but I don't think I would ever want to be either.
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Well done!"
I invite you to take the quiz and email me your answers. Always interesting to see what others would say...
Posted by
2:21 PM
World's Finest and Grayson Trailers: FANTASTIC!!!
I would pay to see this!!! Hollywood should listen and help these fans make a full movie out of it. Incredible work!! Find it on the Web... worth your search!!!!
World's Finest fan made movie trailer
Grayson fan made movie trailer
Posted by
2:19 PM
DVD Quick Review: Blood for Dracula
(3/10) OKay, someone is going to have to start explaining to me the choices Criterion makes when they choose to out out these films. I have gone on their site, read their mandate but this one really didn't do it for me. I know it's and art film and the title "Andy Warhol presents" should have given me an idea that what I was about to see might be a little out there and experimental but unfortunately, I just couldn't connect with this one.
Posted by
1:37 PM
DVD Quick Review: Stuart Little 2
(7/10) Very cute film for young ones. Short story but very well done. 'Nuf said.
Posted by
1:38 PM