
ASTÉRIX - New comic book is a good read.

I picked up the new Asterix book a couple of weeks ago and here are my initial comments and thoughts on it.

I must admit that it has a different flavour than the previous adventures... It involves aliens visiting the village. Yeah, you read correctly ... aliens.

My initial reaction reading it was: dissapointment. After a few days of thinking about it, I liked the book a little more than initially.. but still...

The action and storyline really takes place on a second level... what you read in the book is a metaphor for the arms race... the conclusion is an obvious one when you give superpowers similar weapons of mass destruction. Even forces just end up wasting alot of people's time.

Do I recommend the book... I would have to say "no". It's missing something that previous books had... Maybe worth checking it out at a library or reading it at Chapters... Hehehe!

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