
I think the bug's got me!!

I think (snif! snif!)the cold virus has finally caught up with me! (snif! snif!)

Runny nose, ear ache, head ache, heavy eyes... argh. What to do... It's funny how everyone's family has its own secret reciepe for helping out with a flu or cold. Today at work, as i went from meeting to meeting (speading my germs), everyone had a good family tip on what to do before it gets too worse... (snif! snif!) cubed ginger in warm honney'ed water, hard liquor, ecchenacia (although 2 people said I was too far along for it to have any effect), multi-vitamins, (snif! snif!) vitamin C and lots and lots of liquids.

Liquids = okay... no sweat! (snif! snif!) Vitamine C = Been taking some recently... apparently you can't overdose so let's go with 1000mg per day. Cubed ginger drink.. maybe when I got grocery shopping tomorrow i'll buy real ginger (somehow I doubt the power on my spice rack will do the trick. Ecchenacia.. (snif! snif!) can't hurt - i'm on it! Gin or any other warm liquor... I actually tried this last year when I had a phlegmy cold and this sick-boy likes his gin when he has aa cough! If anyone has any other tricks, let me know! I'm declaring war to these sniffles! I even bought the thick, soft kind of kleenex! (snif!)


AquariusDragon said...

The ginger works. But my favourite for congestion is VICK's vapo-rub! Aww ya, camphor fumes rock! Oh ya, and BUCKLEY's! It really does work!

Palmer said...

My favourite remedy that never failed me is rye and water.

I suppose straight rye would do the trick, but gak...I wouldn`t want to drink that straight. But water with it is fine.