
IPOD is on its way home!!!

One develops a very special relationship with his IPOD. It's hard to explain. You almost have to own one to understand. Anyhow, it can be resumed with the following math formula:

Artoo without IPOD = Sad Artoo
Artoo with IPOD = Happy Artoo

The "Artoos" in the formyula negate each other and you are left with th following formula:

without IPOD = Sad
with IPOD = Happy

Since one "without an IPOD" leads to being "Sad" and one "with an IPOD" equates to a "happy" state, then one should try to GET IPOD.

Artoo may have been unbalanced over the last few days or weeks but according to the Apple site, Artoo's IPOD Servicing Request says "Item received", "Order created", "Replacement ordered" and finally today it reasd "Item Replaced" and "Item Shipped". "This may bring balance back to the Force!!"

Artoo the Optimist

itunesplaying: Bawitaba - Kid Rock


Palmer said...


Palmer said...

Did you hear the new rumours for the iPod?

(wireless) Gasp!

iBenoit said...


Mine doesn't have a wire... I can walk everywhere with it??

Do explain!!