
The Price of a Cherished Childhood Memory

Too rich for my pac-blood!

As I mentioned earlier, I was following this auction for a vintage pac-man watch on Ebay.

The story goes like this. I used to have this watch (or rather a watch like this one) when I was a kid. I still remember when my parents bought it for me from Consumer's Distributing via their catalogue. I used to love that place when I was a kid. Anyhow, I love this little video game watch and it brought me hours and hours of joy. I remember being sick at home - in bed - and playing for hours with it.

Like many childhood things, the watch disappeared from my life 10 or 15 years ago. Was it thrown away in the garbage? Most likely because I remember it having a broken wrist band and being quite scuffed. Point is. It's gone.

Now since then I have rediscovered my love for the little yellow pellet gobbling man. I have kept up in my video game collection and I even got to built that awesome Arcade cabinet with my dad. I have peaked on Ebay over the years for a new pac-watch but was never successful in winning one.

Well I was ready tonight to buy back that piece of my childhood... Online was a mint-in-box pac-man watch (the one with the joystick) up for auction. Things looked good until about 12 minutes were left on the clock... the bids started to go up in numbers... then up again... long story short, the bidding went sooooo high ($324.47 CND) that I decided to fight (err... bid) another day... That's probably about what a next generation Nintendo Revolution game console is going to cost next year.

This got me thinking about the things we get attached to as we grow up. Now there is no way that this watch is worth anywhere close to this price (I know, I know, this things was mint and in pristine shape) but i'm ready to bet that a few thirty-something individuals like myself probably went after this. Why? To get back a little part of that special feeling they had when they were a kid.

My wish in all this is that 1) the person that bought this is going to wear it (heck, I would have!) and 2) that someday - I stumble upon this little gem again (who cares if it's not in mint shape)... and at a cheaper price. :)

Until the next pac-auction... Artoo signing off!


James said...

wow. $300! Good call to back down.

Palmer said...

Tough call.

How much is a memory worth?

James said...


Dish said...

A fellow lover of Consumer's Distributing! I used to adore going there when I was a kid. Seems rather strange now. You go look at all the shiny stuff in the display case, order it and then wait for heaven's knows how long. My first cabbage patch doll came from there, my goofy watch, so many memories...

iBenoit said...

Ahhh Consumer's...

Do you remember filling out those little order sheets. One would have to wait in line, then the clerk would punch it into their super computer and would look at you and say if it was in stock or not. If you were lucky enough for it to be in stock, the little piece of paper would be sent down a conveyer belt and 5 minutes later on another belt, your item would appear. What a thrilling experience.

Dish said...

Maybe that was the lure. Not knowing when you would get your prize! :o)

iBenoit said...

It was frustrating from time to time...

Hoping to get that GI Joe figure just to be told that they were out of stock once you were at the store and they punched it into their super computer.