
I think therefore I am vs. I am (insert allegiance) therefore I think

A little social commentary from my soapbox this morning. I was listening to a Chris Rock Special I recorded off Comedy Network last night (The special was called Never Scared, I think). I had seen this a while back but remembered this one comedy bit that I wanted to hear again. In it he spends the first half of the special doing his traditional rap music, blacks, whites, women, sex, violence social commentaries but then makes a swerve and talks about war, Al Quada, government lies, etc. To me, that's when it got really interesting.

He starts talking about liberals, democrats, conservatives, republicans and how all of them are fools. Why? Because "anyone who makes up their mind before hearing the issues is a fool!". Doesn't that sound right to you?

We work and live in a world where on numerous occasions, bi-polar debates are all that counts (I lump politics, religions and social alignment together in this). Are you for gays getting married? Say "Yes" if you're a liberal, say "no" if you're a conservative. For abortion? "Yay", if you're in the red party, "no" if you're blue. How about legalized Marijuana? Libs say "yes", Conservs say "no". It just seems that so many political leaders today have a standard beaten path of answers with a pre-decided points of view. Party votes "yay", well, I have to as well.

I can't say I've got a set political party that I really adhere to. On some issues, I have a conservative point of view, on others I have a liberal one. It depends on the issues at hand.

What ever happened to thinking about a question, letting it sit in your head for a while and then come out with what - you - really think.

Maybe people wouldn't have driven planes into buildings if extremist thinking didn't exists so much.


Palmer said...

Who here thinks Benoit is crazy?

Don't even think about it. Just answer the question!

iBenoit said...

I do.