Another day, and another 24 hour passes! Another week-end, another Weekender Report full of little cool moments to share.
Took day off from work. Spent day reading mostly. Most of it on the computer though. I don't know what it is but it seems as though we don't see reading on the Web the same way we see reading a book. I was listening to a TV show the other day and the parents were telling their kid to stop being on the computer and do something else. That is a little odd to me because very rarely in time have we seen parents tell their kid to stop reading a book. It would seem to me that reading is reading. Mind you the kid could have been playing games or chatting with friends but still. The times they are a changin'!
The "Best Girlfriend in the World"!
I made a nice dinner for Cinthia, who had said for the last week and a half that she had a surprise for me on Friday night? Now, I can't go into details as to what kind of surprise ideas went though my head. I had no idea what she was talking about. All I knew was that it involved the Casino. To be honest, I though she was bringing me to a play or something. Seriousely. To make a long story short, we got there and the next clue I got was that there might a relation with Easter? With Easter?! Eggs? Chocolate? The Easter Bunny? Whaaa?We got there, took off our coats and proceeded through the casino. Well that last guess was as close as I would get as she had brought me there to have my picture taken with a Playboy Playmate (we met Miss September 2002) . It was a free polaroid picture with an autograph and dedication note. How cool is that?? This is of course so Playboy Room worthy. What else can I say but to say that my girlfriend rocks! Love you baby!
We then headed out to Trim road and to Casa del Palmer. Claude, Sylvie, Duncan, Trish, Joe and Véro were already at Ryan's. A great time was had by all. Some highlights:
- Duncan shivering underneath a blanket
Guys beating the ladies at a strange miming game orchestrated by véro and Sylvie. - Cinthia guessing correctly this mime about a girl massaging her breasts with peanut butter. (don't ask, you had to be there!)
- Star Wars Holiday Special and Turkish Star Wars (why did we do this to ourselves?)
- Ryan's cool recorning equipment.
My favorite bit of the evening: Duncan miming a Star Destroyer and a Death Star (Priceless!!!!!)
A quiet day like I like them We took a long walk in Hull. We hit a few stores. My used book/record/pawn shop finds: an XBox remote for $12, a great Blake and Mortimer book for $10, 3 DVD sets for $12 (including two screeners that were given to Emmy voters last year (nice collectible) .
Claude dropped by in the evening. We watched a little hockey (Sens and Habs both won!). We then fired up the XBox and played a little Shaolin Mortal Kombat as then over 2 hours of Tetris Attack (read previous post to learn how evil this game is!)
Some more XBox scripting research and reading, some kitchen cleaning and a few Smallville Eps.
I'm still feeling a little under the weather as I write this though but all in all it was a very good w-e! Hope you have a great one also.
Doh! Missed the Turkish Star Wars screening!
No, we watched only about 20 minutes of it... although it did feel like 3 hours... We are waiting for you to watch it. We are curious about the actual story.
You better have your translator cap on Ferda! We won't want to miss a phrase!
Let's not forget the fact that I knocked my centre channel into the wall and took a nice chunk out of it. You are too polite in not mentioning such an atrocity.
Nice going Palmer! How did you do that?
Artoo, no worries I'm looking forward to showing off the awesomeness of Turkish cinema to you guys! :P
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