
Artoo's Top 10 Favorite Films of All Time

My viewing of the film C.R.A.Z.Y. last night brought me to reflect on my Top 10 Favorite Films of All Time list. It's a tough list to crack. Is C.R.A.Z.Y. good enough to crack the list... I'll need a few days and a second viewing to make up my mind.

The list

1. Cinema Paradiso (1989)
2. Bridges of Madisson County (1995)
3. Trois Couleurs: Rouge (1994)
4. The Seven Samurai (1954)
5. Star Wars (1977)
6. Signin' in the Rain (1952)
7. North by Northwest (1959)
8. Infernal Affairs (2002)
9. Chasing Amy (1997)
10. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)

What makes these films stand out for me? A tough question. Many of these films are solid cinematographic gems while others are personal choices that are linked with important personal memories (in other words, I can totally understand how someone else might not get the film the same way I did).

#1,3,4,6,7 and 9 fall in the first category where many critics agree with these films and chances are they would rank quite high on other people's Top10 lists.

I can see how one might not see Chasing Amy as a cinematic masterpiece. Heck, I even see many flaws with the film. Star Wars is definately an achievement of a film that will be remembered forever for creating the blockbuster and merchandizing phenomenons. Amélie: such a powerful feel-good movie.

My guess is that with time, the films that are linked with an emotional tie might slip away (as memories become more and more fuzzy) in favour of films that trigger a powerful reaction every time I watch them.

I can't see Cinema Paradiso fading away as it's as powerful everytime I see it. It's a story of timeless love (towards people and movies). Beautiful in so many respects!

I'd be curious to see other people's Top10. What would be up there?

Yes Ryan, I still remember that Zoolander is up there on your list! :)


Palmer said...

Ha! Funny how times change...perhaps it wouldn't be there anymore?

Napolean Dynamite would definitely take its spot.

Tintin said...

Hey Ben!
TRy to find this film in a video store the clerk would probably laft at you. hihi Anyway what a list... There is only one of your film in my top 10 list "Star wars"

Ferda said...

I've been meaning to make a list like this but the thing is my fave movies change depending on my mood. You know... some days I'm in a 'There's something about Mary' mood and other days I'm in a 'Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind' mood.

iBenoit said...

You should make a top 20 movies list then ... doesn't have to be in order just your top of the tops.

I find you can tell alot from someone's combination of items on a list like that. It's a cool picture of someone.

iBenoit said...

Mart: Which movie would make someone chuckle at a video store counter?