Ahhh, the Zombie fest continues this week with 28 Days Later. Oh and what an interesting twist on the whole genre this one was. Rare are the good flick that build on how zombies came about. In this case it's more about a rage-virus than an undead state but it does qualify as a tale from the zombie lore.
Directed by the same guy who did Trainspotting, Danny Boyle, this films offers alot in the atmosphere department.
What's it about?
Anti-vivisection activists make a very bad judgment call and release an experimental monkey infected with "rage". 28 Days Later..., as the title has it, bicycle messenger Cillian Murphy wakes up from a post-traffic accident coma in a deserted London hospital, ventures out to find the city depopulated and the few remaining normal people doing everything to avoid the jittery, savage, zombie-like "infecteds" who attack on sight. (Amazon.co.uk.)
The scenes in the first third of the film really make this film in my opinion. Not much happens, yet so much is set-up through mystery. THe DVD also offers 3 endings if you're into that sort of thing. I have yet to listen to the audio commentary but the overall film was definately worth the 9.99 price tag at Rogers.
8 Dead Zombies out of 10. (Ehm... can there be a live zombie?)
DVDTalk has a cool list of what is in the film: Two zombie breasts. 1,008 corpses (give or take 58 million to 6.2 billion). Untethered wangdoodle. Rampant product placement. Multiple firesuit stunts. Ol' flat tire at the worse possible moment gag. Thumbs to the eye sockets. Gratuitous shopping spree. Gas station fireball. Oodles of civil unrest footage. Gratuitous dream sequence. Self-medicating. Flaming Michelin necktie. Angry amputation. Point-blank execution. Head crushing. Bloody kisses. Gratuitous skip-frame fast mo.
Mini Movie Review: 28 Days Later
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8:24 PM
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I liked this one too.
This one coming out (TBA) sounds promising http://movies.monstersandcritics.com/archive/moviearchive.php/Fido/2330
Let me tell you about 28 Days Later. This is my FAVE FAVE FAVVVE Zombie movie of all time.
I LOVE the soundtrack...very haunting...someone told me it's either by, or influenced by Godspeed! You Black Emperor which has some amazing stuff. I should go pick up an album.
Anyhow, I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the movie twists the entire zombie story in the second half of the movie and then you can't tell which is worse, the mindless zombies, or the mindless humans they are with. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
I can't rave about this movie enough. I thoroughly enjoy this movie to the point where I watch it at least once a year.
Ferda: looks like a great movie. WIll have to keep an eye out for it.
Ryan: They should make a sequel called 15 days later where you learn aboyut the way London was in havoc, etc.
I noticed the music as well. I'm not surprised of the quality of it as the director also made Trainspotting and that soundtrack kicked some major arse.
I have heard of a sequel...hmm...can't remember any details now that I think of it but it was something like 28 days later, later (ok, that's definitely not the title, but that was the premise)./
Palmer: A sequel would be amazing. I would go before the initial 28 days though... not after. I am intreagued by the way thing got to be where they are now.
Ano: Thnaks for the kind words.
Great movie... I'm glad I saw it in the theatre. Seeing the lead actor naked was a treat as well...
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