The move happened on July 4th. That's right The Cinful One moved into my place on my birthday. How cool is that. It was rather funny when a couple of weeks prior to that, in an email to my grandmother, I mentioned that Cinthia would be moving in soon. She replied that maybe she would be my birthday gift and move in on my birthday. Turns out that she was right. My beautiful girlfriend moved in!!All in all the move went extremely well. We had some great help from both our sets of parents and we hired some movers to take care of the big pieces. They were able to move everything but a couch which - according to them - was too big to get out of help place. Err… How the heck did it get in then? We laugh about it now but we were a little miffed at the fact that these professionals not only were not able to get it out but they also banged up a wall and an area of the ceiling at her old place. For those wondering, the couch is not still at the apartment. A few days later, Cinthia's brother, her dad and myself took it out and moved it to her bro's place - a shame that it didn't make the original trip. We look at it this way, if it was hard to get it out of her place, it would have been even harder to move it into our front room as the door frame is much smaller.
We were able to incorporate pretty much all of her stuff into my place. We gave lots of stuff always and were fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of a garage sale at her parent's place the following Saturday. All in all, when all bills were counted, I made $326 and Cinthia sold for $98. My money is in a jar awaiting for Nintendo's Wii to come out this Fall. Wiiiiiiiiii!
Amidst all the hoopla of a move and garage sale, I turned thirty something. I received a nice indoor grill (Similar to the George Forman one) and got the ultimate remote control: a Harmony 360. Really cool. I will talk a little more about the remote in a few posts. Geeky friends - stay tuned!
Week one was a long one and we accomplished a lot. Thank goodness we had some help from our loved ones. Thanks a bunch.
I also read on a few blogs that a few of you are now addicted to the goodness that is the Nintendo DS (Ferda, James, Ryan and co.). I am glad to hear that you are all enjoying it. I have been raving about the little gem for so long, it's nice to read that others like it as well. (James, I will forward you my friend codes when I get a chance).
Movie Factoid: The girl that played the Mannequin in Mannequin: On the Move later played the movie role of Buffy in Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Mannequin: On the Move - 2006 Summer Holidays - Week 1
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5:17 PM
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Really like the new website format, nice work! You have quite a talent at web design.
DS: no rush on the friend codes. But when you are set to play - I need your help with Animal Crossing. I need a visitor for my Nookway to turn into a Nookingtons...
Lame, I know...
No Sweat. Haven't played Animal Crossing much but I can visit your little island! :)
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