A great time was had by all this week-end. Cinthia and I went to a costumed party near Bayshore on Saturday. It was a hoot.
I dressed up as a Tetris Piece (you know the yellow "L" shaped one!!) and the Cinful one went as Cruella. People had great costumes: Arabian night girl (Trish), the 4th Horseman (Palmer), 80s chick (VĂ©ro), 3 geisha girls (Holly, Joelle and Carleigh (sorry I missed ya Car!), etc.
I had fun building my costume. It was made up of 4 cube boxes that i picked up at Staples (20$.. what a rip off!!!)... I should have planned it better and looked for old boxes earlier in the week. I assembled then together and everything looked great. Then I tried the yellow spray paint I picked up at Wallmart. Awful result. The cardboard drank up all the paint and it would have taked 4-5 light coats to get the brown cardboard to be the right colour. I then tried yellow kids paint which did not adhere well to the surface. Things were'nt looking too good at that point as the party was 3 hours away. We jumped in the car and went to Wallacks and picked up some yellow tissue paper... It was going to be fragile but the effect was a good one. After wrapping the whole thing, i used black felt marker to draw the lines around the tetris piece... All in all, the thing looked good. To view pix of the party, please visit Palmer's World
Note to self: Tetris pieces cannot sit down on chairs or sofas too well.
Holloweeny Night!
Posted by
1:00 PM
Shopping for men's clothes - not as easy as it may seem...
Isn't it strange how 85% of the stores in a shopping mall have women's clothing in them? Just a random thought.
Posted by
5:25 PM
Movie of the week
This past monday night, I watched the movie What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? Don't know what brought me to buy this flick last week-end. All I can say is that this film totally rocks!
The IMDB plot summary reads as follow:
"WHAT THE #$*! DO WE KNOW?!" is a radical departure from convention. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. It's a documentary. It's a story. It's mind-blowing special effects. This film plunges you into a world where quantum uncertainty is demonstrated - where neurological processes, and perceptual shifts are engaged and lived by its protagonist - where everything is alive, and reality is changed by every thought.
I must admit that this flick is not for everyone. I showed it to a few friends and not everyone liked it. I guess it's one of those films that you have to see at the right time and in the right mood. It's primarily a documentary that talks about Quantum Physics concepts and Ideas.
What I liked about it so much was that It challenged a few concepts that we take for granted. When you think about it, over the course of history - so many things we thought as a fact of science or the ultimate truth has been disproved by time.
I've always been fascinated by the brain. We use so little of it's power (some less than others...) compared to its potential. One would have to be really closed minded (no pun intended) not to think that there are extraordinary things that it can do that is untapped.
I strongly recommend this one if you have some little piece of you that is curious about Quantum Physics or if you have ever wondered why we act a certain way in some situations.
Posted by
8:41 AM
What is Fuzzee and Blue?
- Grover or cookie monster. :o) TrishP
- "Papa Smurf" ClaudeB
- As always, I consult Google on these matters. Your search - "what is fuzzy and blue" - did not match any documents. Suggestions: - Make sure all words are spelled correctly. - Try different keywords. - Try more general keywords. Ryan P.
- "The Cookie Monster" Russ V.
- "Wembley Fraggle" holding his breath… (from the Fraggle Rock of course) Val B.
- "Smurfs" Ryan M.
- Fuzee and blue you say??? a blue m & m that's been trapped under a couch cushion for a few months. Jill St-J.
- I would have to say Cookie Monster. Mel F.
- A smurf Sandra J.
Hummm.. There seems to be a theme here. Muppets and or Smurfs... I must admit that I have never asked myself if a Smurf was hairy or not. Maybe they are.
So what's "Fuzzee and Blue"? Well, you're reading it. it's my little blog space on the Web. A place where random words put side by side may or may not have any meaning. It's up to you.
Posted by
1:47 PM