Alright girls and boys, Nintendo's new little console is coming out on the 19th of November. No need to take the day off to celebrate Wii-day because it falls on a Sunday!
Maybe a few of us can get together and have a little Wario Ware and Wii Sports competition.
More on this later.
Wii Day!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Movie Night: Dawn of the Dead
This week, my Zombie fix was taken care of at Cinema Chez Trish. A small group of us watched the Dawn remake. Some new lessons following this viewing: Zombies like product placements and do not rely on Sena to lead a group of survivors in case of a zombie attack. Maybe she should buy herself a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide.
Posted by
8:53 PM
Wii Press Release
14th September 2006 - Nintendo will reshape the home entertainment and video game landscape with the launch of its heralded Wii™ home video game console. Wii will go on sale in the Americas on November 19th and Japan on December 2nd - European launch date, price and software line up will be announced at a press conference in London tomorrow (Friday 15th).
Wii will be sold as an affordable, mass-consumer product at an MSRP in the US of just $249.99. The price includes one wireless Wii Remote controller, one Nunchuk™ controller and the groundbreaking collection of five different Wii Sports games on one disc, which anyone can play using simple physical movements, experienced or not.
Every Wii console will include another distinctive feature: a series of on-screen “channels” that make up the Wii Channel Menu, which makes the console approachable and customizable for everyone, from the most avid gamer to people who have never played before. The Wii Channel Menu is the starting point for all of the console’s functions. The “channels” offer a gateway to a rich variety of entertainment options. When connected to a TV, the Wii Channel Menu offers a simple interface letting users pick games to play, get news or weather, upload and send photos or even create playable caricatures of themselves to use in actual games. The variety of options available through the Wii Channel Menu motivates both gamers and non-gamers to turn on Wii’s power every day.
Wii is creating worldwide excitement with its unique control system, an inventive, first-of-its-kind controller whose position can be detected in a 3-D space. The new controller allows users pinpoint target in games or move through the Wii Channel Menu with precision and ease. This intuitive control system will be understood immediately by everyone, regardless of their previous experience with video games. With this one small controller, Wii makes games both easier and more intense than anything previously experienced. For example, in the Wii Sports tennis game players swing the Wii Remote like a racket to hit the ball, as in real life. They can add topspin or slice the ball just by angling their hands and wrist like they would in a real match.
“Wii reinvents games for the devoted player,” says Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. “But more importantly, Wii breaks the wall separating players from non-players by delivering the best game experiences for the most affordable price. We believe the next leap is games for the masses – young and old, gamer or non, alone, with a friend or with the whole family.”
Fils-Aime made his remarks in New York, shortly after Nintendo executives in Japan announced Wii will launch there on Dec 2nd priced at 25,000 yen. Both announcements come ahead of a European press conference during which Nintendo will unveil specific detail around the console’s launch in Europe.
Between launch day and Dec. 31, Wii owners across America will enjoy a robust lineup of 30 software titles, with selections for everyone from video game veterans to newcomers. Some top Nintendo launch titles include Wii Sports, a compilation of tennis, baseball, golf and bowling; The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess; and EXCITE TRUCK™. While publishers are free to set their own prices for games, first-party Nintendo titles will have an MSRP of $49.99. Wii’s self-loading media bay also can play the entire library of more than 530 Nintendo GameCube™ titles from day one.
Third-party developers around the world have lined up to provide unprecedented support for Wii, “I believe the Wii will attract new and casual gamers to the world of interactive entertainment,” says Larry Probst, Chairman and CEO, Electronic Arts. “It’s a fun, easy and economical system that will become a bridge to gaming for mainstream audiences. At EA, we are putting more support behind the Wii than any Nintendo hardware launch since the Super NES.”
Additional information about the list of Virtual Console games and the pricing structure will be revealed in the coming weeks.
Posted by
12:43 PM
Wii Information
Wii for $250 - White only AHHH:
Nov 19th release date - 3 Days after PS3 and before Japan gets it!
Wii Sports included
Wii remote included
Wii Strap included
Nunchuk included
Stand included
30 NES titles at launch
30 Turbo Graphix16 Titles at launch
10 new Virtual Console titles added every month
Wii has Channels that will own you...
Wii Channel for local forecast
Wii Channel for news
Wii Channel for Shopping
Wii Channel for Mii (my fav)
Wii Channel for Web (Opera)
Wii Channel for Photocasting
Virtual Console titles for about $5-$10
VC systems show up as Channels (Super Nintendo Channel)
White only for US (simplicity)
expected to sell over 4 million in 43 days (until end of 2006)...thats insane
bowling and boxing added to Wii sports
Sensor Bar included
30 launch titles
first party titles are $49.99
500 Wii Points for NES Games
800 Wii points for SNES
1000 for N64 Games
2000 Wii Points for $20
games become thier own channels
the Mii Channel. A digital 3D caricature of you, your friends, your family, anyone you want to create. Three basic ways to interact. Creation, choose a look-alike, 2nd you can start from scratch. Transfer Miis to Wii Remote, take them with you. Populate your games. Wii Sports, etc.
photo viewer can play video clips
There is a Wii Message Board, send messages to other Wii users, PC users, or to cellphones. Leave messages for other family members on your calendar
You can download an Opera browser using Wii points and surf the web
Wii Remote has MSRP of $39.99
Nunchuk attachment has MSRP of $19.99.
All first-party, most if not all, content is widescreen.
2000 Wii points will be roughly $24 Canadian.
Watch the trailer! Awesome!!!
Posted by
12:18 PM
Prison Break: S2 Episode 4
An OK show this week. I must say though that I am getting more and more disgusted by the T-bag character. The chase was a little less interesting this week. Bellock got his yet again and Michael and his bro ran a little further and are getting closer to Utah.
I was surprised by the death of one of the main convicts this early on in the season. My least favorite episode this season though. 5 mob bosses out of 10.
Posted by
10:13 PM
V foe Vendetta
Picked up this flick last w-e at Rogers. I must say that I liked it quite a bit. It was original, intense, stylish and had a great performance by Queen Amidala. I wouldn't say it was the best comic book movie in years - that title goes to Batman Begins in my book - but the pure elegance of the cinematography was on par with the best of them.
I reminded me a little bit of a cross between Eyes wide Shut for the ambiance (minus sexual overtones of course), Batman (the first Burton one) for the darkness and a toutch of Cyrano De Bergerac for the poetry.
Worth the pick-up if you are into comic book based films or into good sci-fi films. I give this one 7.5 Vs out of 10.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Pokemon Trozei DS
Will someone tell me how this game works... I can't say i am sold on the concept yet... puzzlers should be simple enough for one to understand how they work from the get-go. This one required reading and reading before truely understanding the gameplay. got it for a great price though...$19.99 - can't complain!
Rating: The verdict is not in yet...
Posted by
9:20 PM
Galaxina shall be known as the first film in a while that I was unable to finish. I make the effort of watching things through... i may use the fast forward on my remote but i finish them. Well i don't get this one.
The plot line... okay, the story was supposed to be a campy space comedy staring an ex-playboy bunny... in space with a funny captain and bad crew... what is there not to like??? Ehh.. not even worth the typing effort. 2 out of 10. Run from this one. They apparently came out with a special edition of this film last week... I prefered Twinkle Twinkle Little Star AND compared to this film, Snakes on a Plane is an Academy Award winning film.
Posted by
9:10 PM
Zombie Honeymoon
We saw this amazing funny romantic zombie flick on Monday. It was called Zombie Honeymoon. I believe that this was a very small independant film.
IMDB says the following about it: Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes later, and seems to look and act totally normal. However, his wife Denise finds out that that's not the case at all. It turns out that Danny has become a zombie.
Tagline: In sickness and in health.
What ensues is classic. Danny who used to be a vegerarian sarts eating people. He can't stop. His wife learns about this and has to make a tough decision. For a small film, this one goes a long way in the entertainment department. Proof that all you need is a solid plotline and alot of imagination. Definately one of my top 5 zombie flicks of all time. I give this gorefest a 8 un-dead newlyweds out of a possible 10.
Posted by
9:14 PM
Do cows really tip over?
Random thought from a car ride on the week-end:
As we pass a bunch of cows in a field:
Me: "I have always wanted to witness a cow tipping over."
Cinthia: (silence)
Posted by
11:04 PM
Prison Break S2: Episode 3
Excellent Episode III. Loved every minute of it. I somehow think that as time goes on, FBI guy will discover the innocence of link and be caught between the Prison guard unters and the fugitives. The escape and fake death scenario is a cool one. i love that the manhunt will continue though. A solid 9 blown-up cars out of 10.
Posted by
9:16 PM
Poor Little Rich Girl
Guerilla artist Banksy tampered with 500 copies of Paris Hilton's debut album across 48 record shops in the UK by replacing the CD with his own remixes featuring such titles as Why am I Famous?, What Have I Done? and What Am I For? as well as swapping out her picture on the CD sleeve with one of her topless and with a dog's head.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Prison Break S2: Episode 2
Equal Opportinity Blog (following 24's Elisha Cutbert pictires last week, I give you ladies: Dominic Purcell)
Episode 2 - Not as good as the season opener. A lot less of that FBI guy in it. They only grazed on some plot lines in this one and concentrated on Burrow's son. I liked the fact that they ended up face to face with the FBI guy and that he quickly figured out that they woulnèt shoot him. Makes me think that they are again borrowing from The Fugitive here and that the FBI guy might be the one, in the end, that figures out that Link is innocent and helps them. 6 severed hands stitched back up out of 10
Posted by
12:08 PM
Les poupées russes
I really enjoyed the french film L'auberge espagnole which I saw a few months ago. It was fresh, had great young upcoming european actors in it and had a nice cohesive aura about it. Les poupées russe takes off 5 years after L'auberge espagnole left off. Does it work? Yes. maybe not as fresh as the first film, the author still manages to grab our curiosity from the start of the flick. These are characters that we quickly rediscover and care for. What doesnèt work in the film is the fact that we concentrate on one storyline and skirt around a bunch of other ones which could have been as interesting as the main one. The first film was able to tell 4 or 5 stolylines by intertwining them together in a cohesive fashion. Can't say that the film didn't work though. It was quite enjoyable with nice editing visual effects. A nice 7 Tatou out of 10.
Posted by
11:40 AM
Butterfly Effect
Was it a revival of the famed Movie Night? Time will tell. Trish, Claude, Sena, Cinthia and I watched the Butterfly Effect last Thursday.
IMDB blurts out: A young man (Kutcher) blocks out harmful memories of significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life.
What I thought: Film was good. I was expecting something a little more esoteric and messed up but I can't say that this one wasn't enjoyable. We decited to watch the Director's cut and the ending, although not as hollywoodesque, made more sense than the original theatre cut (which we peeked at afterwards). I though it could have been a little less linear (plot was: try, try again, try again then figure it out). Kutcher was believable in this. I give this one 6.5 notebooks out of 10.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Star Trek: CGI
Today CBS issued a press release on the upcoming original Star Trek CG upgrade:
"Hollywood, Calif. -- STAR TREK is getting a 21st century makeover. CBS Paramount Domestic Television is releasing digitally remastered episodes of the iconic 1960s sci-fi series, with all new special effects and music, to celebrate the groundbreaking series' 40th anniversary, it was announced today by John Nogawski, president of CBS Paramount Domestic Television.
The new episodes also mark the first time in 16 years that the original STAR TREK series can be seen in broadcast syndication. The episodes will begin airing on the more than 200 stations that own the rights to the weekend broadcast syndication window starting Sept. 16 (check local listings for station and dates). All 79 episodes of the original STAR TREK series will eventually be remastered, with the first batch of episodes chosen from a list of STAR TREK fans' favorite shows.
"STAR TREK redefined science-fiction and constantly pushed the envelope with concepts that were ahead of their time," Nogawski said. "By giving the series a digital upgrade using the best technology available today, it will continue to be a leader in cutting-edge television programming as we introduce the series to a new generation of viewers."
The most noticeable change will be redoing many of the special effects, created with 1960s technology, with 21st century computer-generated imagery (CGI). That includes:
• Space ship exteriors -- The space ship Enterprise, as well as other Starships, will be replaced with state of the art CGI-created ships. The new computer-generated Enterprise is based on the exact measurements of the original model, which now rests in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
• Show opening -- The Enterprise and planets seen in the main title sequence will be redone, giving them depth and dimension for the first time.
• Galaxy shots -- All the graphics of the galaxy, so frequently seen through the window on the Enterprise's bridge, will be redone.
• Exteriors -- The battle scenes, planets and ships from other cultures (notably the Romulan Bird of Prey and Klingon Battle Cruisers) will be updated.
• Background scenes -- Some of the iconic, yet flat, matte paintings used as backdrops for the strange, new worlds explored by the Enterprise crew will get a CGI face-lift, adding atmosphere and lighting.
The refurbished episodes also feature higher quality sound for the famous opening theme. The original score by Emmy Award-winning composer Alexander Courage has been re-recorded in state-of-the-art digital stereo audio with an orchestra and a female singer belting out the famous vocals. A digitally remastered version of William Shatner's classic original recording of the 38-word "Space, the final frontier…" monologue continues to open each episode.
The remastered episodes have been converted from the original film into a High-Definition format, which gives viewers a clearer, crisper, more vibrant picture than before, even when viewed in standard definition. Once stations upgrade and start broadcasting HD signals, the episodes will be all ready for viewers to enjoy in HD."
I'm up for watching some of these.
Posted by
7:55 PM