(7/10) I have to admit that I've always been interested by the rise and fall or famous personalities. I am always impressed when artists or musicians reinvent themselves. Say what you want about the Madonnas or Britney's of this world but there is a well oiled business machine behind these people. At some point in the 80s and early 90s, there was a similar machine at work for Media Shock Jock Howard Stern. A national syndicated radio show throughout the US and part of Canada, a national TV show on Fox and a few best selling books on the New York Times Bestseller's list. Many loved him and as many hated him. Private Parts is a funny little film that tells of his rise to stardom. Not at all the kind of film one would have expected from a guy who built a career on childish dick and fart jokes. has he been simply misunderstood? You be the judge. For more info, visit the Official Howard Stern Site
Quick DVD Review: Kindred - The Embraced: The Series & Arcadia of My Youth
Kindred - The Embraced: The Series
(6.5/10) Cool short lived Aaron Spelling TV series from the 90s about the war/peace between six vampire clans. It provides some interesting twists on vampire lore. For more info, visit this page
Arcadia of My Youth
(6.5/10) I am a huge fan of Matsumoto lore. I have seen alot of the Harlock and Emeraldas stories and although the universe he creates can be a little confusing at times (use of same names for different characters in different shows), i still enjoy trying to decifer it all. This film from the late 70s tell the story of how Harlock and Tochiro met and how the Arcadia came to be. Some good storylines but many confusing plot elements were simply not explained. Might be that the subtitles were off, i don't know. For more info, visit Albator SSX
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1:40 PM
Quick DVD Review: Good Will Hunting
(8/10) What to say about the film. Most of us have seen it. I guess i like watching this one from time to time because it strikes a cord with me when i'm feeling a little down. Great flick! Great DVD Extras with an audio commentary by Affleck and Damon.
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1:41 PM
Quick DVD Review: Battlestar Galactica: Complete Epic Series
(7/10) Wow, started watching this a few months ago. Finally done. It's always hard to give a rating on a series you used to watch as a kid. It rarely meets all your expectations. It's never quite how you remember it. I guess alot of things are that way if you really think about it. I still would recommend this series to die hard sci-fi fans because it had alot of cool classic sci-fi lore. The Star Wars influence is undeniable. The problem is that it was done on a TV budget and some scripts were rushed. The series got better as it went. Too bad it wasn't given a few more years. Think about it, had Paramount pulled the plug after season one of Star Trek: Next Genereration, we'd be looking at a very poor Trek legacy. Galactica explored some cool ideas and themes: where man comes from, what do you do when you are stranded in outer space? (heyyy, didn't Star Trek: Voyager recycle the idea??), etc. Oh, and I still say that Cylons are some of the coolest villains ever created.
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1:42 PM
Movies: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith &Movies QuickFlick Review: Gangs of New York
Movies: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Well, it's now official. The final chapter in the Holy Trilogy is going to be called: Revenge of the Sith. It makes sense and I like it very much. For more info, visit StarWars.com
Movies QuickFlick Review: Gangs of New York
(6.5/10) Why is it that I still have to really kick myself in the butt to watch a Leonardo DiCaprio movie. I was pretty good in Catch me if you Can. Ah well, I guess he's one of those actors that will forever be on my C list. Anyhow, the film was a little long and had quite a few slow moments. I think Scorsese needs to get back to making smaller films. The scale of this one seemed out of control and he tried to do too much. So much so that the basic story was burried under an attempt to tell the beginnings of New York. In this case, one should decide if he is making a film about the personal story of a character or about the birth of a city. in this case, he tried to do both and failed.
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1:43 PM
QuickFlick DVD Boxset Review: Six Feet Under: Season 2
(8/10) Great ride. Awsome charecter development on this HBO TV series. I can't wait for Season 3 on DVD. Great to see that when you dig deep enough, everyone is fucked-up in some way or another. We all like through things and have to deal with our own stuff. I guess what they say is true: it's how you get yourself out of these situations that make you. It's always hard to compare with First seasons as there is generally an evolution in many aspects of the series development. In this case, the emphasis is on the character development. I can't say that the second season loses anything from the first 13 shows but it benefits from us knowing the characters. This enabled the producers to work on giving even more dept to each player. Well worth watching. In hoping that Season 3 gives us more of the same.
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1:44 PM
QuickFlick DVD Review: Better than Chocolate
(7/10) I watched this little comedic canadian film last night. It was pretty entertaining. Bare bones DVD with no extras. It was about two lesbians who fall in love. Cute. Very light but it had some funny moments.
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1:45 PM
News: Summer heat is finally hit the Ottawa Jungle
Hot and wet!!! As Robin Williams said in Good Morning Vietnam: "...hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle." .Summer heat is finally upon us... and all i have to say is: I LOVE MY AIR CONDITIONING! In order to celebrate this little invention i give you an article on How air conditioners work! Enjoy!
Posted by
2:23 PM
QuickFlick Review - 2 more movies
QuickFlick Review: We Were Soldiers
(5/10) This film tried to be as genuine as Platoon, as real as Saving Ryan and sad as, well you get the picture. I found this one too long and it did not succeed and grab me like it should have. For more info on the film....
Movies QuickFlick DVD Review: Thirteen
(7/10) Interresting little picture for Catherine Hardwicke in her directorial debut. Could be a wake-up call for some parents but to me the film did not go to the root of the problems these kids faced. Worth seeing though.
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1:46 PM
QuickFlick DVD Review: City of God
(8.5/10) Excellent brazilian film which reminded me a lot of Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. Very violent but everything there is there for a reason. Much like Spike Lee's film shocked some at the time of its release, this one may also give chills to some, but the story could not have been told otherwise.
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1:45 PM
Tunes: Top 10 Worst Album Covers of all Time
You have to ask yourself: What were they thinking!!!! (laugh!) Have a peek: Top 10 Worst Album Covers
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2:32 PM
QuickFlick DVD Review: Amélie
(9/10) I really love this little movie. I don't watch it often enough. I find it's one of those files that always puts me in a good mood. I feel the same way when I watch Signin' in the Rain. I guess I like the Amélie because I sometimes find myself lost in my thoughts in my own little world. I think all of us do that sometimes.
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1:48 PM
Yes, I'm still a dreamer...
I fell on an old file the other day which contained the lyrics to the following song. I felt like posting it here because i have been rethinking quite a few things in the last few months and i have realized that I do still consider myself a hopless dreamer sometimes. I'll try to explainthis a little better some other time. For now, here goes:
The Rainbow Connection
Why are there so many songs about rainbows,
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it,
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered,
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it,
And look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me.
All of us under its spell,
We know that it's probably magic
Have you been half asleep? And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it,
It's something that I'm s'posed to be
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me...
Posted by
2:35 PM
Sounds: Musical Memories
Quick afterthought about the Buena Vista Social Club concert last week. Fond memories accompanied by music are always nice as they tend to have a lasting effect because as soon as you hear a song related to the event, the nice memories come righht back at ya. Anyhow, I ended up doing a little research and found the name of the young pianist which stole the show during the concert. His name is Roberto Fonseca. Without a doubt the most amazing pianist I have ever seen or heard. I just ordered a CD of his off Amazon today. Should get it within the week
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2:34 PM
Old friends
I chatted online with an old friend yesterday and later stumbled upon the following quote on the net. I found it quite fitting: "It takes a long time to grow an old friend".
Posted by
2:25 PM
DVD BOXSET QUICKREVIEW - Six Feet Under - Season 1
Six Feet Under - Season 1: An excellent series. I know, I know, i am a little late to be jumping on the wagon, but what can you say... SFU has turning into one of my favorite television series of all time (with the likes of The Sopranos, Coupling, MASH, Happy Days and of course Mork and Mindy). Not only is the writing solid. The acting and directing makes this one a must see event. Should you be into buying TV series on DVD, this one is definately a keeper! 9/10
The Story: “Six Feet Under” is one of the most unconventional shows to ever hit television. The brainchild of Alan Ball, the man behind “American Beauty”, “Six Feet Under” is about the amazingly unique Fisher family and the people in their lives. The Fishers aren’t like most families, as they own and operate their own business, a funeral home aptly named “Fisher and Sons”, which also serves as their place of residence. Touting a strong and talented cast, “Six Feet Under” mixes elements of dark comedy and drama to create one unique show.
QuickFlick Review: K-19: The Widowmaker
Posted by Artoo on July 14, 2004
(6/10) Submarine Movie with very good performances by Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson in this one. THe film was okay but it didn't really draw me in and make me feel for these people.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Sounds: Buena Vista Social Club Live!!!
I decided yesterday to do a little excursion to go shopping and do a little touristy stuff. I jumped on a bus and headed to Montreal for the day. Little did I know what the day would offer.
Upon arriving to my destination, I headed down St-Catherine Street towards my usual stops (used record stores, book stores, etc.). I had completely forgotten the Jazz Festival was going on. For some reason or another, I thought it would be over by now.
Needless to say I had to check it out since I missed it for the last two years. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the festival and the organizers truly outdid themselves. The weather was a little sticky and humid but the ambiance made up for it. As I roamed the grounds, there were a dozen or so street entertainers playing with the crowds – A wonderful addition to the street festivities.
As I glanced at the program, I noticed that famed Cuban signer Ibrahim Ferrer was performing at la Place des arts with the support of the Buena Vista Social Club. I had to see them. See – in 2000, I discovered Cuban music through the magnificent film-documentary by Wim Wanders and Ry Cooder titled Buena Vista Social Club. I picked up the DVD of the film (which I strongly recommend by the way) and a few CDs of the Cuban ensemble band and was immediately hooked. Simple people with a strong spirit signing about daily life, passion and hardship.
The following year, I visited the festival and leaned that they were playing to a sold out audience. I was disappointed but swore that should the opportunity present itself again, I would not miss it. After all, how many more concert tours will the 76 year old Ferrer do. Well, this was it. I decided to get some cash and try to get one ticket from a scalper before the show. As I asked an attendant about where the entrance to the concert hall would be, she explained that since I was only looking for one ticket, I should try the gate ticket place as there might be a few cancellations at the last minute. Well, lo and behold, she was right, I ended up finding an 8th row ticket to see the Buena Vista Social Club presenting Ibrahim Ferrer.
The concert was just incredible. Sixteen elite Cuban musicians playing a very tight show which gave the 3000 members of the audience chills throughout the three hour show. Mr. Ferrer was sublime. His 76 year old voice was surprisingly strong and his warmth and joie de vivre came across every song. Both audience and musicians seemed to really enjoy the performance. I had a wonderful time that will be cherished for the rest of my life.
If you have never taken the time to listen to a Buena Vista Social Club record, I would suggest starting with the original CD or DVD. Very touching and feeling music that will have you moving in no time.
To see some pix of my excursion visit the pictures section of the site.
Posted by
2:36 PM
QuickFlick DVD Review: Disney's Fantasia
(6 out of 10) Believe it or not, I had never seen Fantasia. My appreciation for the concept of the film is greater than the film itself. Unfortuantely, the DVD picture quality was awful. Disney should have worked a little more on the print before releasing this DVD. I understand that they rebuilt the original road show version but it's a shame that the work looks as bad as it does. The film: Great idea to let go animators like that to illustrate classical music pieces. In the old days, Disney innovated on many fronts and for that Fantasia is something quite special in the history of Animation. I don'r believe a kid under 10 would appreciate as much as an adult. There were some scary bits that might frighten young ones. Worth seeing for many reasons. Ons should watch the documentaries to fully appreciate the creation.
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1:50 PM
QuickFlick Review: Laura Croft - Tomb Raider 2: The Craddle of Life
(4 out of 10) Here is what i remember from seeing this film. Angelina Jolie's performance is at the centre of it all. Here goes: Boobies, cleavage, boobies, pouty lips, guns, explosions, water, wet gray latex covered boobies, origin of life and... boobies. And they say American blockbusters have no substance. A dud if you ask me
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1:51 PM
Christmas in July still means carnage!!
Today's visit is brought to you by the letter "D" and the number "!2". Something made me think about the wonderful world of ducks thia morning. We don't think about ducks enough nowadays. Let's explore their universe together a little.
Did you know that a male duck is called a drake and that a female is called a duck. Their offsprings are called ducklings. Ducks have webbed feet, which act like paddles. A duck waddles instead of walking because of its webbed feet.
More duck facts:
Ducks' feet have no nerves or blood vessels. This means ducks never feel the cold, even if they swim in icy cold water.
Ducks' feathers are waterproof. There is a special gland that produces oil near the tail that spreads and covers the outer coat of feathers. Beneath this waterproof layer are fluffy and soft feathers to keep the duck warm.
Ducks were once wild until they were domesticated by the Chinese many hundreds of years ago.
Ferdinand The Duck from the great movie "Babe" (smile) was an Indian Runner. This breed of duck originated in India. There are three varieties of Indian Runners, the Fawn and White, the White, and the Pencilled. Indian Runners are great egg producers and can lay 200 eggs in a year.
- Ferdinand the duck famous quote: "Christmas? Christmas means dinner, dinner means death! Death means carnage; Christmas means carnage!"
That's all for today boys and girls, for more information about the wonderful world of ducks, I invite you to visit Ducks Unlimited.
Posted by
2:27 PM
The passing of "T" day...
Yup, I’m an adult now! I just turned thirty yesterday! 24 hours have passed since the the big three-oh! . I am oficially closer to 40 than I am to 20 years old now.
You’ll see! I once read a proverb somewhere which said: “If at the end of a year, you can’t cry or laugh about events you went though - consider it wasted!” You know what, all things considered, this past year was pretty cool.
I have decided not to say too much about the “turning thirty” thing”. I’ve done some great things in the last 10 years. World - you just watch me!
Posted by
2:28 PM
Films: Fahrenheit 9-11 - How to lead your Country to War
I mentioned a day or so ago that I thought 2004 would be remembered as a year of war – a useless and pointless war. I won’t get on a soapbox and start babbling about how much I find the Irak war sad and pathetic. That would be too easy.
If you get a chance, I invite you to go see Michael Moore’s new film: Fahrenheit 9-11. The film is a very interesting political commentary that presents what you may not have read or heard in the news. It can be quite the eye opener. Many people in America and around the world have been realizing over the last year that there was something just “not right” about the Irak Invasion and the events leading to it. This film will give you a glimpse into how a country can be manipulated to believe that their government is doing the right thing when in actual fact, well… you know what, just go see the film!
Posted by
1:52 PM
QuickFlick Review: Queen of the Damned
(4 out of 10) I generally find something I like in a film with vampires or a vampire theme. This was not the case. The film seemed like a rushed job. Not what i expected at all. Lots of plot holes and under-developped characters.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Artoo's Top 10 Movies of all Time
1. Cinema Paradiso (1989): To me, this is the ultimate movie about love - love of an old friend, love of a cherished lover, love of the movies. For director Giuseppe Tornatore, this is his masterpiece. Beautifully shot with very strong lyrical images supporting the story throughout, he magically captures the essence of "bein in love" on a every levels. The beautiful soundtrack for the film was composed by Ennio Morrecone. Should you have the option of watching the original theatre version or the longer international version, I would strongly suggestthat you watch the shorter theatrical cut as it is a much tighter piece. In no way is the essence of the film compromised.
Plot summary: A famous film director returns home to a Sicilian village for the first time after almost 30 years. He reminisces about his childhood at the Cinema Paradiso where Alfredo, the projectionist, first brought about his love of films. He is also reminded of his lost teenage love, Elena, who he had to leave before he left for Rome.
2. Bridges of Madisson County (1995): Life isn't always as simple as it looks. I am reminded a line from a Pete Townshend song which says: "Now and then you see a soul, and you fall in love - cou can't doa thing about it". Adapted from the novel by Robert Waller, this is the story of love that happens just once in a lifetime -- if you're lucky. Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep are superb in the main roles. The ciematography is grandiose (filmed in Iowa) and the music is simply beautiful (also one of my favorite soundtrack CDs). It is really better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? For me, this film illustrates my thought on life, people. and relationships. We are all on this journey where we meet all these great people. From time to time, if the stars are right, magic can happen... Every decision has a baring on how the rest of the story will go (...and we do have to live with these decisions for the rest of the journey). What a wonderful film!
Plot Summary: Photographer Robert Kincaid wanders into the life of housewife Francesca Johnson, for four days in the 1960s. They fall in love, but she's married with children.
3. Trois Couleurs: Rouge (1994): Wow, what to say about "RED". It's the third part of the Trois Couleurs trilogy by Krzysztof Kieslowski, a polish film maker. Beauliful metaphores are intertwined throughout this film.
Plot Summary: Valentine is a young model living in Geneva. Because of a dog she ran over, she meets a retired judge who spies his neighbours' phone calls, not for money but to feed his cynicism. The film is the story of relationships between some human beings, Valentine and the judge, but also other people who may not be aware of the relationship they have with Valentine or/and the old judge. Redemption, forgiveness and compassion...
4. The Seven Samurai (1954): The most watchable 203 minute of film ever made by one of the best Directors of cinema: Akira Kurosawa. A film about will, survival and human drama. One of the best strategy/war film ever made.
Plot Summary: A veteran samurai, who has fallen on hard times, answers a village's request for protection from bandits. He gathers 6 other samurai to help him, and they teach the townspeople how to defend themselves, and they supply the samurai with three small meals a day. The film culminates in a giant battle when 40 bandits attack the village.
5. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977): What to say about the most famous sci-fi film of all time. I would have to agree with people that say that the Empire Strikes Back is a better film than A New Hope but a film experience is more than just the film sometimes. To me, SW: ANH ranks much higher than Empire because i grew up with the film. I played with the toys, read the pop-up books, dressed as Darth Vader for Halloween. I remember being very young and running through the long hallway at my grandparent's house yelling like Han Solo in persuit of a bunch of Stormtrooper on the Death Star. Pure Magic.
Plot Summary: Part IV in a George Lucas epic, Star Wars: A New Hope opens with a rebel ship being boarded by the tyrannical Darth Vader. The plot then follows the life of a simple farmboy, Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. The conclusion is culminated as the Rebels, including Skywalker and flying ace Wedge Antilles make an attack on the Empires most powerful and ominous weapon, the Death Star.
6. Signin' in the Rain (1952): So many great songs. So many great numbers. A great ensemble cast. A great script. What else coul you ask for? Magic? Well it's there too. Debbie Reinolds is amazing in this film and Gene Kelly is well... an actor's actor who can do it all. It's a film about entertainment... and entertain it does. It's one of those films that will put you in a good mood when you're feeling down. A keeper - for sure.
Plot Summary: In 1927, Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a famous on-screen romantic pair. Lina, however, mistakes the on-screen romance for real love. Don has worked hard to get where he is today, with his former partner Cosmo. When Don and Lina's latest film is transformed into a musical, Don has the perfect voice for the songs. But Lina - well, even with the best efforts of a diction coach, they still decide to dub over her voice. Kathy Selden is brought in, an aspiring actress, and while she is working on the movie, Don falls in love with her. Will Kathy continue to "aspire", or will she get the break she deserves ?
7. North by Northwest (1959): The best Hitchcock i've seen so far. It is the film that made me discover Cary Grant who has since become one of my favorite actors. Eva Marie Saint is simply stunning in this film. This is a great suspense with a great plot. The film has an excellent pace and is a fun ride.
Plot Summary: Middle-aged Madison Avenue advertising executive Roger O. Thornhill is mistaken for a government agent by a gang of spies. He gets involved in a series of misadventures and is pursued across the States by both the spies and the government whilst being helped by a beautiful blonde. (Guess I always had a thing for cute blondes)
8. Infernal Affairs (2002): One of my first steps in the universe of Hong Kong films and it jumped into my top 10 list of films. This film has an incredible ensemble cast - a who's who of HK cinema. It cen be a little confusing at first but once you figure the first half hour, it is pure genius. THere is a dramatic moment in the film where someone dies and your heart litterally stops when you realize what this death means to another character. The film is also supported by a beautiful score. A gem! The prequel and sequel (Infernal Affairs II and II are also excellent - see it before Hollywood remakes it next year).
Plot Summary: A story between a mole in the police department and an undercover cop. Their objectives are the same: to find out who is the mole, and who is the cop.
9. Chasing Amy (1997): A film that touched me in a different way. It is my favorite Kevin Smith movie. It's the sorty of a guy who fall for a girl and stumbles as he figures out his feelings. There are fefinately parts of Banky and Holden in my personality. Holden's speech in the car under the rain resonnates very strongly with me.
Plot Summary: Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything's going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.
10. Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001): Great french film that has a certain "je ne sais quoi". I love the way this film is told. I love the way this film is presented and I love the way this film looks astetically. It's hard to believe that the director also made one of the Alien movies.
Plot Summary: Amelie, an innocent and naive girl in Paris, with her own sense of justice, decides to help those around her and along the way, discovers love.
Posted by
1:55 PM
Recent months in Films
June 2004 Viewings
I am doing a little experiment this year. I am trying to keep a log of all the films and DVDs I will see duringthe course of the year. Yeah, I know - Maybe I have too much time on my hands. What can I say... As this site just launched on July 1st, here is a quick recap what I had logged thus far. Just bare with me.
* Identity: 8.5/10 Excellent Drama about multiple personalities.
* Birthday Girl: 8/10 Solid film and performance by Kidman.
* Real women have curves: 7.5/10 Very well acted drama from Mexico.
* Angel - Season 3: 6/10 Bad overall storyline for the year.
* Coupling Season 3: 9/10 Amazing as usual.
* A guy Thing: 8/10 Jason Lee saver the picture. He is money!!
* Lost in La Mancha: 8/10 Very Entertaining Documentary.
* Pirates of the Caribean: 7/10 Entertaining - Depp is great!
* Alias - Season 2: 8.5/10 Solid story arc. good season.
* Return to Oz: 6/10 Uneven plot that just doesn't deliver the Oz magic.
* The Life of Python: 7/10 Good documentary of comedy group.
* Mystic River: 6/10 Okay cop detective flick. Somethiing was missing for me.
* Chris Rock - Never Scared: 8/10 Funniest Chris Rock show i have seen.
* Bollywood Hollywood: 9/10 Refreshing comedy with song and dance included!
* American Psycho 2: 3/10 Poor film sequel.
* Y tu mama Tambien: 6.5/10 Good Spanish film - entertaining - did not like ending.
* Whale Rider: 6.5/10 Interesting Australian film.
* Benny and Joon: 8/10 Classic Johnny Depp!
* The Simple Life Season 1: 7/10 Entertaining yet so annoying.
* Duran Duran - Sing Blue Silver: 6.5/10 Good Rock Documentary on 1984 tour.
* The Last Casino: 7/10 Good canadian film with cute Katharina Isabelle.
* Duran Duran - Arena: 6/10 Good show but should have been clean DVD footage.
* Fahrenheit 9-11: 8/10 Very interesting documentary on Bush and his friends.
Total: 23
Movies May 2004 Viewings
* Kylie - Live in Sidney: 8/10 Solid Pop Concert
* Sum of all Fears: 7.5/10 Good Jack Ryan film with Affleck.
* Head of State: 3.5/10 Poor comedy starring and directed by Chris Rock.
* Analyze That: 7.5/10 Funny Sequel - good comedic duo.
* How to lose a guy in 10 days: 6.5/10 Funny bits but uneven throughout and full of bad clichés
* Two Weeks: 6/10 Good Chick Flick - Excellent performance of Hugh Grant.
* Hollywood Homicide: 4.5/10 Poor story, failed to deliver on all basis.
* Saturday Night Fever: 9/10 What can I say.. Excellent!! Inspired a generation.
* Catch me if you can: 8/10 Very well written cop flick - well told.
* The Office Season 2: 8/10 This season was very hard on David Brent - Excellent TV!!
* Men with Brooms: 4/10 Slow, slow pace.
* Daughter of Dracula: 7/10 Interesting mood piece - a classic!
* Dracula: 8/10 Created an era and an ambiance in cinema! Excellent!!
* Coupling Season 2: 8.5/10 Funny, funny, funny. My new favorite TV show!!
* Toutch and go: 5.5/10 Can film which takes place in Halifax. Okay.
* Just Married: 4/10 A boar for me. poor chick flick... nothing new.
* Dawg: 4.5/10 Film with some spirit but too uneven. (Leary film)
* The Recruit: 6.5/10 Good CIA Suspence drama. So-so Ending (Pacino)
* Son of Dracula: 5/10 okay film, good ambience - no more.
* The Man with two Brains: 4.5/10 Dated comedy w/ Steve Martin - king of physical comedy.
* House of Dracula: 7.5/10 Great Monster movie with all main monsters in it.
* Unfaithful: 8/10 Interesting remake of french film. (Gere)
* Six Feet Under Season 1: 9/10 Solid Drame. A++
Total: 23
Movies April 2004 Viewings
* Matrix Reloaded: 7/10 much better than Matrix 2. Hope they make an extended version.
* Kylie - Fever 2002: 8.5/10 Excellent pop concert. Cool visuals and songs.
* The Last Samurai: 9/10 Amazing Epic Samurai film - first half made this movie.
* Alphaville: 4/10 Slow Pace poetry filled head flick.
* Chinese Ghost Story: 5/10 Slow pace traditional Chinese fantasy film.
* Lion King 1.5: 6/10 Okay anime film - could have been better - no more.
* 40 days and 40 nights: 7.5/10 Surprisingly good light comedy.
* Radio: 8.5/10 Excellent thought provoking tear jerker. Cuba is great in this one.
* American Splendor: 8/10 Very entertaining story about real people.
* Changing Lanes: 7.5/10 Solid drama with Affleck and Jackson.
* Taxi 3: 6/10 Entertaining comedi/action flick. Not as good as #1
* FanFan LaTulippe: 6/10 Okay entertainment - good humour.
* School of Rock: 6.5/10 Cute kids comedy - Black is funny.
* Three's Company Season 1: 8/10 Very funny 6 episode season.
* John Denver and the Muppets: Rocky mountain holiday: 6/10 lots'o'signing - cute - no more.
* Running out of Time: 6.5/10 Good plot ideas, poor execution.
* Hot Chick: 6/10 Sub par comedy w/ some funny Rob Shneider bits.
* The Italian Job (2002): 7.5/10 Good solid re-make of action flick.
* Big Fish: 7/10 Strange tale of a man on his deathbed. Could not get my sympathy thoughout.
* WWE Monday Night Wars: 7/10 Okay documentary - a little one sided,
* Coupling Season 1: 9.5/10 Incredibly well written Briy. comedy. I want more...
* Lost in Translation: 8.5/10 Excellent piece by Sophia Coppola. Must re-watch!
* League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 4/10 long action film with litt. reference that did not deliver.
* Owing Mahoney: 7/10 Interesting flick about sickness of gamblers.
Total: 24
Movies March 2004 Viewings
* Heroic Duo: 4/10 Good concept but poor conclusion.
* Storm Riders: 5/10 Some good fight sequences - No more.
* Warriors of Heaven and Earth: 6.5/10 Similar storyline to Musa. Could require 2nd viewing.
* Duran Duran: Greatest: 7/10 Good compilation - some hits missing though.
* Beatles: First US Visit: 6.5/10 Not enough commentary - great music.
* A la folie, pas du tout: 7.5/10 Excellent interpretation by Audrey Tatou.
* Running on Karma: 5/10 Some good bits but did not draw me in enough.
* Hard Boiled: 7/10 Good Gangstar film - May have since borrowed from this.
* Logan's Run: 7.5/10 Solid classic Sci-fi flick with good story.
* Looney Tunes Back in Action: 7.5/10 Funny live action film. Toon bits full of pop references.
* Sex is Zero: 5/10 So-so HK comedy similar to American Pie. Opportunities lost.
* Happy go Lucky: 7/10 Great idea, good plot - missed ending.
* Kill Bill Vol.1: 8/10 Great Intro. Tarantino storytelling. can't wait to see #2.
* Cronos: 6/10 Good idea but did not deliver completely.
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5: 5.5/10 Worst season thus far. sad.
* Led Zepplin DVD: 8/10 Excellent - made me rediscover Led Zep.
Total: 16
Movies February 2004 Viewings
* MST3K - EEGAH: 1/10 Bad, bad, bad.
* From Beijing with Love: 6.5/10 Bond spoof with some very funny moments.
* Withnail and I: 5.5/10 Something there but not enough.
* The Bra: 6.5/10 Some funny elements in the HK comedy.
* The Office Season 1: 9/10 Original, sarcastic humour, fun, fun, fun!
* Mad about You Season 1: 7/10 video quality okay, no extras. good.
* The Wedding PLanner: 2/10 Bad acting, bad plot, bad ending.
* Floating Landscape: 7/10 Slow pace but good imagery and plot.
* Seabiscuit: 5.5/10 Too many underdev. characters.
* Airplane!: 7.5/10 Funny classic comedy. Stop calling me Shirley!!
* Raiders of the Lost Arc: 8.5/10 What to say. It's not the years baby, it's the mileage.
* Hannibal: 5.5/10 boaring 2nd half.
* American Wedding: 6/10 Dime a dozen comedy these days - no more.
* Memmento: 7/10 Stange and weird - will require 2nd viewing.
* Star Ballz: 3/10 StarWars spoof. Funny to search for anime references throughout. no more.
* The Awful Truth Season 1: 8/10 Solid and funny social commentary by Michael Moore.
* Infernal Affairs III: 8/10 worth seeing again and again. complicated first viewing. Great film.
* Night Shift: 6/10 Okay debut comedy by director Ron Howard.
* Shiver: 5.5/10 So-so horror thriller. HK generally does much better.
Total: 19
Movies January 2004 Viewings
* Infernal Affairs II: 8.5/10 Excellent Prequel - Strong Acting A+.
* Bruce Almighty: 7/10 Some funny sequences and moments.
* Canadian Bacon: 7/10 Interesting historic framework that is all to valid in 2004.
* 36th Chamber of Shaolin 8/10 Great martial art ambiance piece.
* My Sassy Girl: 9/10 At times similar to Serendippidy - Faithful meeting - Great film
* Avalon: 8/10 Visually stunning - Some character development missing.
* Visocq: 5.5/10 Visually stunning - Story so-so.
* Heroic Trio: 3/10 Poor superhero film. Did not do it for me.
* LOTR: Return of the King: 8/10 Great film but i like LOTR 1&2 more.
* The Thing: 4.5/10 Carpenter Movie - good intro - bad, bad ending.
* Master Q 2001: 8/10 Funny HK film - Good intro to these classic cartoon characters.
* Musa: 7/10 Good Fight sequences - Did not like ending.
* Muppets Treasure Island: 6/10 - Sub Par Muppet comedy - Could have been funnier.
* Ping Pong: 6/10 Nice film about friendship.
* Turn Right, Turn Left: 9/10 Polish poem translator meets violinist - Excellent film A+
* Ultimate Gretzky: 6/10 Okay but should have been more historic clips.
* Alias - Season 1: 8.5/10 Excellent Spy TV show - Lots not resolved in the end though. A+
* Underworld: 7.5/10 Great Ambiance - Cool Vampire effects - missing character development.
* Joan of Arc: 5/10 Silent Film w/awsome film score. Good, not great.
* Freddy vs Jason: 6.5/10 Okay film - typical slasher film - no more.
* Irreversible: 6/10 Gratuit - no need to show 7-10 min rape scene to understand violence.
* Man bites Dog: 3/10 Not my kind of film. Surreal and too strange.
* Mystery Science Theatre 3K The Movie: 5.5/10 First MST3K film ever. Was expecting more.
* Comic Book The Movie: 7/10 Good film, much better with DVD Extras.
* The Howling: SE: 3/10 Warewolves, cult, bad acting, thumbs down!!
* The Death Curse: 4/10 Twins film... poor plot. Even Charlene could not save film.
Total: 26
Posted by
1:53 PM
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Canada!!!! Another year - another birthday. What's there to say? Well, lots actually.
You see, not only is this week Canada Day but it's also my 30th Birthday in a few days. Yep, the big three oh!! We've all heard about how certain birthdays mean more than others. Well, to be honest, i'm not quite sure how to take my 30th. 2004 has been quite the year in many respects for us all. It has been a year of war, a year of election (for us canucks anyway), it's been year of good times and a year of renewing and rethinking (not to mention all that crap before the elections). More to come in a few days when i've passed the treshold.
Posted by
2:28 PM