Weekender Report: 23-06 to 25-06
Noo, nee-noo, nee-noo, nee-noo…
Friday evening: Martin, Myriam, Cinthia and I went to the Ribfest on Sparks. Good eats but I think I found out that I prefer beef ribs to pork ribs. Following our sticky finger activity and some Jell-o wrestling conversation, we headed out to the World Exchange Cinemas and watched the Al Gore documentary: An Unconvenient Truth. The subject of the film is Global Warming and the effects that it is having on the planet. Quite alarming when they stack up the facts and statistics. We all know it is happening yet very few of us realize how bad it actually is.
Saturday: Did a little cleaning. Partly because we were having friends over in the evening but I have also started to sort through some boxes and stuff since Cinthia is moving in next week. We decided to move in together. We are quite excited. We even found a parking spot to rent behind the condo. We took a walk down Bank and stoped at Blockbuster. I picked up the Rockstar Table Tennis game for the Xbox360 in exchange for a bunch of old DVDs I didn't want. They only give you $5 for each bu when you consider the fact that I am always bargan shopping and often find great deals on some of the DVDs, many of these didn't cost me much to start with. In the evening, Claude, Sylvie and Ryan poped by for a couple of brews and chatter. We played 80s Trivia. I had fun. After everyone left, Cinthia went to bed and I watched the NHL draft which I had recorded on the PVR.
Sunday: Busy day. Some highlights include a trip to MEC where cinthia bought a fleece. Who else but my lovely to buy a fleese jacket when it's 35 degrees out. :) I love you babe! We also went to the market and bought some fresh fruits. Is there anything better than a good strawberry when it is in season?! I think not! Later we went out and played some mini-put where someone won and the other person lost. I can't remember the actual score for some reason. We also planed the move some more and watched an episode of Naked Josh (what a great show that is!!).
Posted by
3:43 PM
They call it "New Math": 2 = 1
a² = ab
a²-b² = ab-b²
(a+b)(a+b)= b(a-b)
Posted by
10:25 AM
Bowling = Soreness = Wimp??
Monday was our Public Service BBQ at the RA Center. After a morning of listening to the higher-up talk and a bad buger and fries, some of us decided to take in some 5 pin bowling.
I played pretty well, considering that it had been about 10 years since I last played. i won the first game with a score of 169. i have no idea how good or bad this is all I remember is that as a kid, I had trouble breaking 100.
We paired the guys and the ladies for a battle of the sexes game in the second game and the guys won (of course!).
The next morning, i woke up and was sore (shoulder and front of legs). I play 2.5 hours of frickin' bowling and get sore muscles?!?! I was surprised how this game exercised some weird muscle groups. Go figure. It was fun... in a bad pimp shoes kinda way!
Posted by
8:15 PM
Week-ender Report: 16-06 to 18-06
Fri Day: Went to the Franco-ontarien festival with Ryan, Vero and company. Saw some good comics: I especially appreciated the last comic Louis José Houde. A nice outing. Cinthia went to see the Cirque du Soleil with MJ. She said it was a great show.
Sat: We went to a restaurant called Le Rendez-vous in Aylmer to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Cinthia's Parents. There were 54 family and friends at the restaurant. OK food but slow service.
Sun: We visited my folks for Father's Day at the cottage. Nice weather but a little warm for me. i always seem to have trouble adapting to the first few weeks of Summer. It seem as though my body gets tired really quick in warm weather. I gave pop some fishing gear items to go with the new boat. We also met their new little dog called Bonhomme. Later, I watched the film Spellbound, a documentary about kids competing for a spelling bee championship.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Nintendo DS Lite Review
Check out my review of the new Nintendo DS Lite.
Posted by
4:42 PM
Transformers Movie: iPod - Transform!!
Gadget mag T3 is reporting that robots appearing in the upcoming live-action "Transformers" movie will be upgraded to reflect some of the advances in gadgetry over the last 20 years. The magazine says they got a peak at a leaked copy of the movie's screenplay, which revealed robots that turn into an iPod, Xbox 360 and a plasma television.
I have a very bad feeling about this film!
Posted by
10:50 AM
Week-ender Report: 9-06 to 11-06
Fri: Picked up the Magnetica game for the DS. Cinthia has been addicted to it ever since. While she played, I played a bit of Xbox 360. There a re a couple of cool Xbox Live Arcade games that I am considering buying.
Sat: Went out for a long walk and shopping with my lover. Found a few good deals at HMV: a bunch of horror flick were on sale for $6.66 ea. Picked up Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead 1 & 2 (yes there is a second one which is apparently horrible) and the independent comedy Dead and Breakfast for my Zombie film collection. Guess it's a collection now. I then traded a book I had at Chapters for a DVD box set of Dawn of the Dead. Will this madness ever stop? :) We spent the eveing playing Atari games. We played Circus Atari most. 8 Bit games can be so fun. Hard to explain to today's generation what we see in these games. After Cinthia went to bed I watched The Theatrical version of Dawn.
Sun: Did some groceries. Bought a Nintendo DS Lite. Played a few games, read a bit and watched some BSG. A perfect rainy Sunday.
Posted by
4:30 PM
Survey: iPods more popular than beer
The iPod music player surpassed beer drinking as the most "in" thing among undergraduate college students, according to the latest biannual market research study by Ridgewood, N.J.-based Student Monitor.
All I can say is: "WoW!"
Posted by
10:10 AM
Mini Movie Review: House of the Dead
6-6-6, Blog post of the Beast!
The fear of the number 666 is known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.
In hommage to today being the 6th day of the 6th month, 2006... 6-6-6, i decided to watch the film House of the Dead last night to make a review. Picked up the film this w-e at the flea market. I payed $5 for the film and it's going strat back to Blockbuster where they will give me $5 for it. I should have been paid for my wasted time in watching this one.
As Palmer would say: "Worse film ever!!!!"
It was made by this guy called Uwe Boll, who has made such gems as Alone in the Dark and Blood Rayne. He discovered the video games craze and is about to make a film on the games Dungeon Siege, Postal and Far Cry. His films are so bad that fans of video games have even gone out and made a petition for him to stop making video game themed games. You can find the petitions here and here. These are just sample petition, if you want to see more, type "stop Uwe Boll" in google and look at the results.
Anyhow, back to this horrible piece of junk. House of the Dead opens with five twenty-somethings attempting to reach a rave which is taking place on a small island. They have missed their boat and are desperate to get to "the party of the year" (When I saw the rave, I laughed out loud -- there are about 30 people there.) So, they hire a local captain named Kirk (?!?!), to take them to the party. Once they reach the island, they find that zombies attacked the party and that there's no way off the island.
There is a 20 minute gun battle and they shoot zombies for the sake of shooting zombies with so much ammo that the canadian army would be jealous. I was amazed at how well today's college kids can handle a machine gun and be so precise in their shots.
I'll spare you the details and say that only a handful of them made it off the island when the cops showed up.
Rating: 2 awful directors out of 10.
Posted by
9:29 AM
Ebayer from the UK gets even...
This ebayer got ripped off when he purchased a laptop from this guy named Amir. The laptop was indeed broken but the buyer was able to get the hard drive out and it was packed with photos and personal info on Amir. Since Amir refused to refund the money, the said ebay got even buy creating this Blog site.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Week-ender Report: 02-06 to 04-06
Artoo: Artoo calling Orson! Artoo calling Orson! Come in Orson?
Orson: Artoo? Is that you?
Artoo: Yes your fattitude, how's it hangin'?
Orson: Your report Artoo!!
Artoo: Busy week-end this side of the Big Dipper. What happened on Fri, Sat and Sun days? Let me give you this quick round-up big boss-man!!
On Fri, some visit came by our pad for some good chatter and some video-gamin'! Claude and Sylvie droped by for a few hours to check out the new X-Box 360 and catch up.
Orson: And how are they doing?
Artoo: Seems like poor 'ol Claudski got hurt while tossing a while ball around a court. He hurt himself playing volleyball and his leg will be in a cast for a few weeks. Sucks to be him. But his leg might get that pilot tv show if he's lucky.
Orson: Did you have a good time?
Artoo: Of course! We had a great time. Claude and I threw down and played Fight Night Round 3 - each won a fight. Sylvie found out that she can't beat the 4 little ghosties with the aid mf my main man: Pac-man. Sad.
BTW, Sylvie owes me $4.75 in quarters for the use of the arcade cabinet! :)
Orson: It is noted in my logs.
Artoo: Sat was a busy day. Cinful one went to work in the morning while I slept in. Barely remember hearing her leave. Did some groceries and some walking about Bank street in the aft and we went to my granparents for a great supper. Later in the evening, we stopped at BB and I picked up 2 DVDs : Les Daltons and The Corpse Bride. We watched Les Daltons. (Review to follow later).
Orson: I see you are still not over that DVD addiction of yours.
Artoo: Never!!
Sun day flew by. We woke up and went to the store to pick up some things for Cinthia's bro. We then headed out to Ile de grand-calumet for see their new baby girl Marguerite. Spent a couple of hours there and then headed out to Carp Road to check out the Flea Market. Unfortunately, we got there late and very few outdoor vendors were left. We shall have to plan a trip next Sunday or the week after and go early in the day. We still managed to pick up 2 movies for $5 each: House of the Dead (Yay! Zombies!!!!) and Swimming Pool.
When we got home, we ordered St-Hubert (MMmmmm! St-Hubert sauce!!) and watched a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Storylines are amazing in that show! After Cinthia left, I watched the new X-men 3 film which I had d/led.
Orson: How was it?
Artoo: What an awful experience. See my full review in another transmission. It will make your eyes bleed it is so bad!
Orson: Your review or the film?
Artoo: Har-Har! Good one your immenseness!
Well, that's all for this week grand-fatso. Artoo signing off. Na-noo Nanoo!
Posted by
6:18 PM
Mini-Movie Review: X-Men 3: Boooooo!
X-Men III: Zero emotional development for any characters
Ok, I'll cut to the chase with this one quick: This film plain sucked!!
It was awful. I prefered the movie The Hulk to this one! At least in that one, they seemed to care about the rocks and cars that they destroyed. Yuppers, they missed the boat on this one. No emotional development for any of the characters. I am so disapointed.
For comic fans – Phoenix and the Phoenix saga isn’t just any story. It’s one of THE Marvel stories. To cover that story plus, the mutants vs government, plus deaths of 3-4 main guys (okay it's the Marvel universe, they may not be really dead!) in the same film is ludicrous. They grazed on so many great storylines and never delivered. If you are a comic fan and know some of the stories, you won't be a happy camper. Too many things were off with this film. The treatment of Wolverine… Bleh! Comedic role at the best. Beast? Looks great but never takes off. Cyclops… don't get me started… anticlymactic like no other. Storm? Halle Berry wanted a speaking part, she got one but did very little when it was all said and done. Magneto and Xavier are played woderfully but again… if you think of what they are involved in… story-arc wise. Underdeveloped and flat when they could have been soo much more.
I won't go on, you get the picture. Maybe folks who don't read or haven't read the main marvel storylines will be wowed by the FX and cool new characters - even there I doubt it. This series needs a break and then make a spin-off film with Wolverine to kick-start the franchise again.
My rating: a sad 4 mutants out of 10
Posted by
11:41 AM
Film: The Unconvenient Truth
"In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to."
- From Roger Ebert review of Al Gore's film on the effects of global warming. I definately want to see this one.
Posted by
3:25 PM
Artoo gets an Xbox 360... has hell frozen over?
Let the next generation of gaming begin.
Bought 2 used games for it too: Dead or Alive 4 & Fight Night: Round 3
I still say the Wii will be more fun! :)
Posted by
9:41 PM
Play Super Mario Bros. Online for FREE
Subject says it all. It's awsome what some people can do with Web pages now.
Z and X are the B and B buttons and the arrows control Mario. Enjoy this while you wait for your car ride to go and buy the new Super Mario Bros. game on the Nintendo DS.
Posted by
9:33 PM