I just watched the documentary March of the Penguins with Cinthia. We both enjoyed the film very much. I never realized that penguins how tough penguins were. Not - "wouldn't like to meet one in an alley tough", but "i'll survive your ass in minus 70 temperatures tough."
Anyhow, the film is beautiful and Morgan Freeman's narration is superb. A great film!
And remember: Penguins = Tough SOB!! Don't mess with them.
March of the Penguins
Posted by
11:33 PM
Holiday Whap-Up
Well, only a few more hours left in 2005. This has been a great year.
Holiday Season Highlights:
- Great Chrismas meals with loved ones.
- Volunteer day at the Newport restaurant always makes my holiday season!!
- Nice New-Year's Eve Dinner with my sweety.
- Plenty'O'Gifts - Spoiled we are.
- The geat T-Shirt that I made for the Cinful One.
Posted by
7:39 PM
Mini-movie review: Finding Neverland
Artoo is asking me to make a movie critic about Finding Neverland, I could say that Johnny Deep was very cute...I must say for a movie I did not want to watch is was good but not more than a 6 on 10. I think this will be my last movie critique!!!
Cinful One
Posted by
2:04 PM
Top5 Music CDs of 2005
Top 5 in no real order...
- U2: Vertigo
- Keane: Hopes and Fears
- Tortured Soul: Tortured Soul
- Coldplay: X&Y
- Madonna: Confessions on a Dance Floor
Skinny: U2.. Best CD in recent years for the irish band. They rocked on stage too in November. Keane.. One of my favorites of recent years. Can't wait for their 2nd album. Some of the B-side I found on the net are as good as the debut CD. Tortured Soul.. a band that will most likely stay in the niche they are in but for pure grooves, they are sooo cool. Coldplay.. Awsome melodies.. great 3rd CD. Can'r wait to see them live next year. Best new band of the new millenium so far. Madonna.. what a surprise. Never thought she would creep up on this list but this is Madonna at her best.
Posted by
12:37 AM
Top10 DS Games of 2005
This started as a Top10 Video Games list for all systems but since 90% of my gaming time this year has beed devoted to the Nintendo DS, I decided to make the list DS exclusive.
Artoo's Top10 DS Games of the Year:
Mario Kart DS: Not too much to say other than it's basically a "Best of" compilation of all Mario Karts games that came before this one with wicked Extras like dual screen gameplay, free online racing and plain fun gameplay.
Electroplankton (Import): Making music using a hand-held videogame console might sound a little odd. Well, this one is odd but so enjoyable, it had to make my Top10. I special ordered my copy off Ebay and got it from Japan 6 months ago. THe US/Can release is set for next month. If you like making music and love the DS, this is for you!
Zoo Keeper DS: Simple, fun Bejewel-like game which makes you flip little animal characters as fast as you can to rack up a high score. This little baby is what made the Cinful One get a DS. She was borrowing mine all the time. Now, we can fight head-tohead via wi-fi. Awsome and addictive.
Lost in Blue DS: Strange little RPG-like game that puts you into the shoes of a little boy who wakes up on a deserted island. Cool Usage of the DS stylus to solve puzzles and interact with your environment.
Metroid Pinball: Awsome controls make this game an amazing Pinball port to the handheld. Game is slick and graphics are pretty sweet. I am not that fig a fan of Metroid games but this game was pure joy!
Meteos: Fans of Tetris should give this one a try. It's quite different from other puzzlers but very addictive. The head-to-head mode is quite challenging. A deeper game that anticipated with cool mechanics.
Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time: Haven't put in that much time into this game as I uts got it this past Xmas. Thus far though the game is really cool. Could use a little more variety in the controls but it's a fun RPG.
Yoshi Touch and Go: The Game is short if you play basic mode. Put it in Marathon Mode and you basically end up with a racing game that keeps on giving! Fun, innovative game that came out when the DS was introduced.
Polarium: Excellent mind-pleasing game. Tough puzzles are plenty in this black and white mini-game for the DS. One of the best uses of the stylus for a DS Game.
Nanostray: Plain Phoenix-inspired 2D-like space shooter with great graphics. Music is intense and the game is hard. Geeat game to pick up and play on the fly.
Honorable mention to a non DS game:
Donkey Konga: This gamecube game is a hoot at parties. I picked up an extra Bongo set with the JungleBeat game and have had lots of dun with this one. Trying to keep up with the songs and melodies is not quite as fun as one might think.
Posted by
12:48 AM
Merry Christmas Music Lovers
Okay all, here is a cool little game for all you music lovers. Virgin Digital has this cool poster image where you have to find the names of 60+ musical acts (bands and artists) within the image (ex: in the sky, you will find a greyish zepplin = Led Zeppelin). Have a peak it's quite fun and can lower productivity in a workplace in a manner of minutes! Enjoy!
The answers we have come-up with are in the comment sections.
Posted by
10:03 AM
Back to school
Well, one my say i'm back in the saddle yet again. I've decided to take a class at Ottawa U. I just registered this afternoon for a communications class (New Media) next term. I decided to go with only one class to see how much the workload would be... I've taked two night classes before and had no problem whatsoever. I guess it depends on the teacher and the class. I shall see. Maybe i'll change my mind and add another one early in January.
- First observation: since when does Ottawa U use the tagline: Ottawa University: Canada's Univerity. That's just lame!
- Second observation: I am enrolled as a "special" student. Does this mean I will get to ride that "special" bus??? Questions, questions... See - i'm already in school mode!
Posted by
4:13 PM
It's a baby g...g... guitar!!!
Let me introduce you to my new baby girl. She is a 7.6 lbs bundle of joy. She was conceived in Lapatrie, Quebec. She came to us last Saturday at 2:05pm. It is with great joy that we welcome "no-name" baby G to our family (I am still thinking of her name).
She already interacting my other little new one: the Fender G-DEC power amp:

I have started to teach this little one a her alphabet. Thus far, she knows: A, E, G and E minor (thanks to Uncle Palmer). We shall practice her spelling every day and make sure one day she can play with others. Don't want her being anti-social forever.
Don't you love new bundles of joy!!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Fun Party @ Palmer's!
Well, a quick post to say that we had a great time at Palmer's First Annual Xmas Bash this past Saturday night.
My favorite highlights are as follow:
- The creation of the first *new* ninja weapon for the 2nd millenium: the Flying Ninja Condom (the "FNC" for short).
- The discovery during the Guys vs. Girls Trivia that there were indeed electric christmas lights in when Holly was a kid. (luv'ya Holly!!)
- Did I mention how the guys totally owned the Trivia Contest!!!
- Raindeer and Santa hats galore... Has there ever been more Santa hats in one single Orleans home... I think NOT!!
- Palmer sibbling fighting and then making up!
- The awsome "alky" glass fight during the gift exchange between Joelle, Cinthia, Alex and Myself!).
- CinfulOne Edit: The ever so graceful way the Beer Mugs and Pilsner Glasses were won!!)
- All 3 showings of Rudolf of Red Nose! (need I say more!!)
- Shannon losing the pins game with 5 seconds to go!
Posted by
5:02 PM
Christmas Cheer!
This week has been a relatively good one. I'm in a happy mood. Haven't seen my sweety (the CinfulOne) as much as I may have liked but these things happen. I am almost ready for X-mas. A few final touches and all will be covered.
Last Friday, Cinthia and I decorated my place and I'm quite pleased with the result - not that I'm going to have any specific event at my place but it's cool to come back home, sit down and relax in a Christmas light environment. I don't know why but there is something special about a dimmed lighting, christmas lights, a nice glass of red wine and a lit fireplace… MMmmmmmmm... Cinthia, where are youuuuuu! :)
Friday is the Directorate's office party. This year, we are going to Absolute Comedy on Preston Street. Should be fun!
Cinful one and I are looking forward to attending a cool Party at Ryan's. It should be da bomb. I was just talking with the Hollinator and it seems like the last few months have been soooo busy… it'll be nice to see you all. It's been a while.
Looking forward to that chinese gift exchange too… I love the little gift I bought. IF anything, I might try to go for it. Hope the rules permit it. :)
Went shopping tonight and ended up at Archambault in Gatineau. Looked at guitars and amps. Might let myself get tempted by the Godin Exit22 and a fender amp called the G-dec. I didn't buy as I am investigating to see if they will slash some prices on Boxing Day.
Posted by
1:07 AM
What's an Ewok???
This post about Véro's reply on Han Solo and Chewbacca being a famous couple reminded me of a classic Cinthia moments from 2005.
This past summer, a few of us got together at Trish's for Movie Night (which we should restart in the New-Year BTW) one evening and we watched Star Wars. Good treats were served by Trish (as usual) and most stayed awake during the whole movie (Véro? Trish? Cinthia?).
Editor's Note: a few Hollyisms happened that night including the hilarious "Darth Vader moving from time to time" story (more on this some other time).
Anyhow… a few days passed and I teased Cinthia by quizzing her with Star Wars Trivia. I asked her what an Ewok was and she shrugged. Actuallly, what she said was that she knew but couldn't remember. She then proceeded to ask me to tell her which I wouldn't. She begged and I didn't say. I just teased her a bit more about it… A few days passed.
When I got to work the following Monday, I had a voice message - in an very assertive tone - that went something like this:
"Benoit -- For your information, an EWOK is a small creature with a hood that lives in the desert. THey are the ones who sold the robots to Luke in the first movie. (in a proud victorious tone) So there. I told you I knew what an EWOK was!!!" - click -
I had cramps, I almost peeed myself. It made my day!! It made my week. It was so cute, so charming. It's one of my favorite Cinthia moments of the year! I love you baby!
Posted by
1:01 PM
Introduction to Blogs Post
For those new to the world of BLOGS, Ryan posted a nifty entry on his site to help newbies who want to know more about the world of Blogs (Web Logs).
Find it here!
Posted by
9:20 AM
Artoo and IPOD reunited
Well, after only a few fays I received an Email in my mailbox telling me that my replacement unit was on it's way. Then 2 days later, a Purolator slip was on my door. All I can say is that Apple delivered. I was within my one year warranty and this was no fuss exchange. I was a little worried as I read horror stories online about Ipod repairs and replacements. My experience was A1. I had to pay for the $39.95 shipping but i received a bran new 40G IPOD on my doorstep in less than a week.
Posted by
9:11 PM
Trish Presents: Fromage de Noël
Well, she's done it again. Our famed ranter extraordinaire has just put out her first CD compilation (a double CD compilation no less). That's right, the Christmas Dish herself has just released, in a very selected run her Ode to Christmas melodies called: Trish Presents: Fromage de Noël.
Fromage includes the following tracks:
Disc 1
1. AC/DC - Mistress for Christmas
2. The Darkness – Christmas Time (Don’t Let the Bells End)
3. Jon Bon Jovi - Please Come Home For Christmas
4. Queen - Thank God It’s Christmas
5. B.B. King - Merry Christmas Baby
6. Wham! - Last Christmas
7. José Feliciano - Feliz Navidad
8. Boney M - Mary’s Boy Child
9. Bryan Adams - Something About Christmas Time
10. Band-Aid – Do They Know It’s Christmas Time
11. Kylie Minogue - Santa Baby
12. Wings - Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time
14. Chris Isaak - Christmas on TV
15. The Star Wars Intergalactic Droid Choir -
What Can You Get a Wookiee For Christmas (When He Already Owns a Comb)
16. Billy Mack - Christmas is All Around Us
Disc 2
1. Chris Rea - Driving Home for Christmas
2. Tom Petty - It’s Christmas All Over Again
3. Chris Isaak - Gotta Be Good
4. Bing Crosby - Mele Kalikimaka
5. Ricky Martin & Rosie O’Donnell - Ay, Ay, Ay, It’s Christmas
6. Tom Jones - Baby It’s Cold Outside
7. Brenda Lee - Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
8. The Chipmunks - Christmas Song
9. Shonen Knife - Space Christmas
10. They Might Be Giants - Santa’s Beard
11. Bing Crosby - Christmas in Killarney
12. The Pogues - Fairy Tale of New York
13. John Lennon and Yoko Ono - Happy Christmas (War is Over)
14. Elvis - Blue Christmas
15. The Kinks - Father Christmas
16. The Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don’t Want to Fight Tonight)
17. U2 - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
18. B.B. King – Backdoor Santa
The Dish describes her work as follow: "Songs you love. Songs you hate. Songs you love to hate. Whatever the case may be, there is no way you can remain neutral after hearing this cd. It has all the Christmas classics crammed into a fabulous 2 disk set. Rock out to Christmas with AC/DC, The Darkness, B.B. King and U2. Relive the beauty of Wham! Boney M. and Band-Aid. Dance along to Ricky Martin or hula to Mele Kalikimaka. This Christmas collection has something for everyone. So put it on and prepare to be dazzled!" I could not have said it better myself!
From top to bottom, Fromage continues the Hungry Lucy tradition of mellow christmas jingles with tinsel grooves, catchy snowflake melodies and enchanting gingerbread vocals. This album branches out into heart warming christmas rock & interstellar holiday funk in "Ay, Ay, Ay, It’s Christmas" and "What Can You Get a Wookiee For Christmas" as well as "Space Christmas", traditional on "Mele Kalikimaka" and classic torch song on the emotional "Do They Know It’s Christmas Time".
What else is there to say. This reviewer has not seen a cooler compilation since the glory days of K-Tel (what ever happeded to K-Tel anyways?). Classics, classics, classics. So much gooey goodness, it's a shame Christmas only happens once a year.
Meet the Christmas Dish herself in all her splendor this Saturday at the first annual Palmer Christmas Bash. Autographed copies of the album will be available at the event.
Posted by
7:00 PM
Favorite Christmas Movie Poll
Okay, alot of us will be watching an Xmas movie or two during the next few weeks. My favorite holiday flick is National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I just posed a poll on this topic. Have Fun!
Posted by
1:42 PM
Lost: One single black glove
I went out Christmas shopping today (no, I didn't find it) have the following to report:
Even if one doesn't go into a mall, you can't help but not run into nutso shoppers around this time of the year. I thought it was a mall thing. I just don't get it. I mean it's not like they're actually going to run out of things to buy. What purpose does cutting in front of others at the cash actually do.
My cudos of the day goes out to this little store on Bank that I went to where the owner, who was 70ish, took time to ensure that he knew what I wanted, then refered me to his son, who went in the basement to get me the item I was looking for. As I paid, he came back to check up on me and thanked my for doing business at his store and wished my happy holidays. Awsome service, friendly people and good prices. It's too bad that these mega stores like Walmart come into a town and undersell every mom and pop place because when it gets to knowledge, service and friendliness, small stores can't be beat.
Finally, if someone finds the following item, It's mine. I lost it today during my shopping trip:
Posted by
3:19 PM
End of year Top 10s are on their way
We've seen a few movies, played a few games, listened to many albums, lived through cool moments. What will have made the list this year... Only a couple of weeks to go and Artoo's Top10 will be postes.
Why should you care? You don't have to really, it's just plain fun to make these lists.
Artoo's Top10s this year will be in regrouped in the following categories:
- Movies
- DVDs
- Music Albums
- Video Games (I get the feeling there will by a few DS games on here!)
- Moments
Posted by
10:55 AM
Maurice Richard Movie
Just came back from seeing the Maurice Richard movie with Cinthia and Marie-Josée. It's an excellent picture. Wether you are an avid hockey fan or not, this film is worth seeing. The story is legendary the same way the man was. (my rating: 8 out of 10)
It is uncanny how much Roy Dupuis looks like a young Maurice Rickard. He is bang on! I remember a few years back, he was hired to do the Canadian Heritage Minute commercial about Maurice Richard and we all said at the time that he would do an excellent job one day is they made a movie. Well, it's done and he is fantastic in it.
You can tell that the people who worked on the film held the legend in very high regards. A couple of NHLers also played a small part in the film for some of the hockey scenes.
Artoo met the famous number 9
I met him once at a signing. He was a very quiet man and seemed very very humble in his attitude - almost as though he hadn't realized how much he had influenced a generation of french canadians. I shook his and and got an autograph.
When I was a young boy, my dad gave me an autographed picture he had gotten when he was a youngster in high school in Winnipeg. One thing many people mention when talking about meeting the man has that he always took his time signing something. Every autograph he gave was legible and clear. He always said how he felt it was important to take the time to sign something for fans as they had taken the time to come and see him.
Posted by
12:28 AM
IPOD is on its way home!!!
One develops a very special relationship with his IPOD. It's hard to explain. You almost have to own one to understand. Anyhow, it can be resumed with the following math formula:
Artoo with IPOD = Happy Artoo
without IPOD = Sad
with IPOD = Happy
Artoo may have been unbalanced over the last few days or weeks but according to the Apple site, Artoo's IPOD Servicing Request says "Item received", "Order created", "Replacement ordered" and finally today it reasd "Item Replaced" and "Item Shipped". "This may bring balance back to the Force!!"
Artoo the Optimist
itunesplaying: Bawitaba - Kid Rock
Posted by
3:47 PM
Artoo and his Video Games
A quiet evening at how which saw me play a few games of Mario Kart DS. THis got me thinking about my introduction to Video Games.
Okay, as most of you know, I am an avid video game enthousiast.
As a kid, I was introduced like many to the wonderful world of video games through the Atari VCS (or for most of us, the Atari 2600). My 3 cousins were the first to own one in my little world. They had about a dozen games (Pitfall, Combat, Spike's Peak, Vanguard, Space Invaders, Pac-man, Dragster, etc.) Everytime I would go over their place I was mesmarized by it. Other than on TV, my exposure to video games limited itself to Arcade Cabinets in shopping malls, pictures in the Sears Wishbook catalogue and a television show called StarCade (I will talk a little bit more about this show in a few weeks). The idea of being able to play games on a TV set was soooo cool. You didn't have to put quarters in the machine and you could play for hours and hours.
My first video game system was an Atari (It was actually a Gemini which was an Atari clone. My Gemini came with 2 games : Donkey Kong and Mouse Trap. It didn't take me long to get hooked. A few weeks later, I purchased a used Jungle Hunt game from a kid that lived a few blocks away from my house. I payed $30 of my hard earned allowance for that game. I was in heaven.
As time passed, our household acquired a a VIC-20 computer and an a few years later, it was an Adam Computer (which played Coleco games). When I started High School I received as a gift for getting into Private School a Nintendo 8 bit system (or NES). What I got was the Action System. It came with the consiole, 2 control pads, the light gun and a double with the games Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt on it. I didn't own many games nor did I finish many of them but I kept going back. The first game I finished was Metal Gear.
A couple of years passed and I bought a Super Nintendo. I played for quite a few years on the SNES. During this same period, I discovered computer games and through them, I learned my way around computer hardware and software. In an indirect way, they helped me learn some computer skills which led to my first job with the Government doing technical support.
I have since kept up on my console gaming. Over the years, i've followed the evolution of video games through a Playstation, a Sega Genesis as well as the big three from recent years: an X-Box, a Game Cube and a Playstation 2.
Four or 5 years ago, I decided to get into Retro Gaming Collecting and I have since acquired some of the video toys that I only saw on TV and in that Sears Wishbook catalogue: Aan Intellevision, a ColecoVision, a Vectrex, a Sega Saturn, a Dreamcast as well as a collection of Nintendo Gameboys (the original one, the Gameboy Advance, the SP).
I also purchased on Ebay a Magnavox Odyseey which is the fist home video game console. It came out in 1972 and about 150,000 units were sold worlwide.
last year, I picked up from Benjamin Heckendorn a hand-crafter Atari 2600 Phoenix, which is a portable Atari VCS wich plays old Atari cartrige (think Gameboy which can play Atari).
My prise posession is not this Odyssey though, it's a lifesize Pac-Man Arcade cabinet which I built with my dad last Summer. I run multiple arcade game emulators in it and it sits proudly in my living room. Over the week-end, I will try to post the picture journal of its construction.
This past July, I was introduced to the Nintendo DS. You may have heard me go on about this wonder of a handheld before. All I can say is that I've seen many consoles and handheld in my day and this one is truly pure-genius! It captures the essence of what gaming truly is. I must have about 20 or so DS games so far. My girlfriend is now addicted to it as well and she has even purchased her own unit.
This past month, the console introduced us to Nintendo Wi-Fi, which is a free on-line gaming service. Very promissing service!
No, i'm in no rush to get into the XBox 360, nor the Playstation 3. From what I have seen and read, there won't be too much innovation coming from these consoles for a while. I am not interested in playing the same racing or shooting games over and over again just because they have suped-up graphics. Most game developpers have stopped being creative and are putting out the same games over and over again. Where is the innovation?
COmment posters: I'd be curious as to what your first exposure to Video Games was. Please share.
Iplaying: nothing because my Ipod is getting repair care at the Apple place in Markham Ontario.
Posted by
11:40 PM
Word of the Year: Podcast
Podcast is 2005 Word of the Year
By Mathew Honan
The editors of the New Oxford American Dictionary have selected “podcast” as the Word of the Year for 2005. The word beat out such runners-up as “bird flu” and “IED” (improvised explosive device).
Other tech-related runners-up included “ICE” (an entry stored in one’s cellular phone that provides emergency contact information), “lifehack” (a more efficient or effective way of completing an everyday task), and “rootkit” (software installed on a computer by someone other than the owner, intended to conceal other programs or processes, files or system data.)
Podcast, which is to be defined as “a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player,” will be added to the next online update of the dictionary, due in early 2006.
The word was chosen based on its phenomenal rapid growth in 2005, which saw it grow from relative obscurity to one of the hottest trends in media. Erin McKean, the dictionary’s editor-in-chief, noted that the word was considered for inclusion in the dictionary last year, but ultimately rejected as it was not in wide-enough usage.
“This year it’s a completely different story,” McKean said in a statement. “The word has finally caught up with the rest of the iPod phenomenon.”
Posted by
3:44 PM
To decorate or not to decorate...
That is the question!
Here I am typing away on the computer. It is December 6th, 2005. I just got back from a pub where I stopped by after work to get a drink with Kelly and Ryan M. (some work colleagues). I just finished eating and decided to check some mail.
I have yet to go digging into the cold room in the basemnent and get the Christmas Decorations. For the last week, i've said day after day that tonight would be the night where I would go get the Christmas decorations. But nothing. I don't seem to be into much of a holiday mood this year. I keep finding other things to do.
Maybe my heart is shrinking by one size every night that I procrastinate.
I have watched two Christmas TV specials this past week though (if that counts for anything (Mork's First Christmas & the Muppet Family Christmas).
Artoo the Grinch.
Iplaying: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
(I like the Iplaying Idea - Thanks Ryan!)
Posted by
8:15 PM
Global Warming
On my way to work on my bicycle this morning, I remembered this Jpeg someone sent me last week. Global Warming ... Heh!
Posted by
9:09 AM
MarioKart DS
Picked up the latest release from Nintendo for the DS this week-end: Mario Kart DS
Here is my quick review so far... This game totally rocks! If you've ever tried one of these Mario Kart games, you know what this is all about. It's basically a collection of video games charactors from classic games (in this case the Mario games) who get to race each other in little go-carts (or should it be karts).
What's so special about this game? Nintendo Wi-FI and Wireless gaming!!
Nintendo has gone and done it. It took them a while to really get into the online gaming race (they did have an online modem for the Gamecube but ir didn't really have any games), This time around Nintendo has studies the way other companies are doing online gaming and gone out and decided to do the unthinkable: free online gaming!! Yes... FREE!!
All you need is your Nintendo DS and a hot spot (a coffee place with wireless internet) or a wireless router and you are ready for the experience. Ser-up was very easy at my place with my wireless router. All I needed to do was input a few pieces of info in the DS and I was online playing vs. people around the world. The game is pretty cool. Pretty much all the tracks from the original Mario Kart games are there plus a collection of new interactive ones. As cool as they make the articicial Intellegence (AI) in a game, nothing compares to playing against a human being. It's a major rush to kick someone's ass at this.
My review so far: 8/10
Artoo's Ipod is on the fritz. Screen freezing, computer not recognizing the unit, and tracks not being picked up as the player tries to read them. I filled out the online form and am currently waiting for Apple to send me a package for me to ship the unit to the Ipod hospital.
If you are a fan or Retro Gaming, check out Shane's Retro Gaming Radio show for the month of November. It's free and quite entertaining.
Posted by
6:10 PM
Artoo et al. get Coldplay TiX!
What were they doing before they got blown up! Or... maybe they were simply waiting for the Coldplay Concert to arrive into their part of Space!!!
Yes, we are going to see them in March and we will be on the Floor! Should be sweet!!!
Posted by
11:27 AM
Richard Ashcroft will open for Coldplay when they come to town...
Plain work day while fighting the sniffles. Was hard to concentrate sometimes while reading this article by the Bank of Canada head honcho. Fiscal policy readings can be so dry sometimes... wait a minute, they always are. Anyhow.
Been thinking of buying a new electric guitar this week. My old one (the one i got ehrn I was 16 or 17 has had better days. Pick-ups are so-so and the volume knob is faulty. I don't think it's worth reparing the thing. Ryan said he might be able to lend me one of his to try out for a few weeks. Will probably take him up on the idea.
Picked up the New Rolling Stone tonight while doing groceries. Madonna is on the cover. There is a Best of 2005 DVD article in there. Curious to see what's in it. I should try to find my Best of lists from the past few years for the Blog.
The Ipod is still on the fritz. Tomorrow, I make one last ditch effort to try to reset the bloody thing and if that doesn't work, off to the Apple repair centre it goes. I miss my little baby! Damn you Steve Jobs!!! I am hooked.
Richard Ashcroft will open for Coldplay when they come to town... not to shabby although i've kinda lost track of Ashcroft since the first Verve album. many months to catch up on what he's been up to i guess.
We'll see what tickets are like Saturday.
Oh, and I found this video on some sort of virtual environment technology which totally blew me away last year when i first saw it. To me, these people are on the right track when you talk about the future of gaming or entertainment... this is amazing stuff. I would love to see where they are a year or so later on this project. (note, the video takes a while to start but it's worth your patience!)
Posted by
11:53 PM